Chapter 5 - joining team rainbow

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Y/N: this must be the cafeteria right I say looking around the big room with tables.

Ela: well arnt you sharp I say giggling. Yes this is the cafeteria and we serve not regular slop we serve good food cause we need actual food to stay healthy.

IQ: it's not fancy but it is good and is actual food. But when there's a special occasion the chefs make stuff a little more special. And if you want a certain food you can ask the chefs before and they'll cook it for you.

Y/N: that's handy but I probly won't do that because I cook my own food I say quietly.

Ying: a man that cooks. I like him more and more I think. I wonder if he's any good though.

IQ: how good are you cooking? I mean like you can cook but not good, you can cook a decent meal, or like professional I ask?

Y/N: I could have gone professional if I didn't enlist in the army. I was the top of my foods class in Russia and the school even had some professional chefs try my foods. They said they would gladly work with me in the future. I guess I'm a natural I say whispering.

Ash: wow! You could have gone pro cooking why didn't you? Most people would kill to have your talent.

Y/N: I found out I was better at something else and so I joined the army. I always hated the chef rotations every one would try to snow me to get more food. Every one looked forwards to my cooking. Even the generals. They made me prepare there meals and I didn't want to be stuck with being a cook. Then I was recruited Into the spenznas because they saw what I was capable of and I was not just a cook.

Ela: wow you must have bean amazing. But why do you talk so quietly KillMonger. I don't think your shy and you arnt afraid. So why do you speak so quietly when you could be loud and recognized?

Y/N: they recognize my deeds not my voice. I can make my voice louder than a airplane with this helmet. I'm quiet because I choose to be I say quietly.

Ying: makes sense I say while thinking that made no sense or I'm still stuck on the fact he can cook.

IQ: six said there would be an announcement for all the operations to meet hear in 1 hour so she can introduce you to the team. What do you want to do until then?

Y/N: I tap my mute button on my side as it says that. Mask how far away is my closest safe house. 10 miles. How far is my closet cars. 5 minutes out. Great send a car and make sure it has good storage size. Sending car to what address? Send it as close as you can to the base. Sending Rolls Royce extra space to your location. Sorry girls I've got to go do some thing I say unmuting my mask.

Ash: what! Your going to kill some already! You just got here and what about six's announcement!?

Y/N: first off I'm not working now I took a vacation. Second six never said I couldn't continue my work. Third it's none of your business what I do. And I will be back by the time six introduces me.

Ela: then what are you doing then?

Y/N: nothing that concerns you I say coldly.

Ying: then you must be working still if you don't want us knowing what your doing I say doubtfully.

Y/N: fine! I'm going to get my supplies from my safe house I snap back.

Ela: how do we know your just going to do that.  How do we not know your going to do some thing else?

Y/N: still none of your business and why would I do any thing else I say raising my tone a little bit.

IQ: then take one of us with you to make sure we can trust you. After all we just met a little while ago.

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