So Long, Derry...

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Bill and I had sat out in the barrens for what felt like forever, neither of us wanting to go home because deep down, I think we knew this would be one of the last times we'd see each other. There had been lots of crying and even more "hey remember that time" stories. It was like we were trying to make sure that I took a piece of Derry with me, that I wouldn't forget this place.

Now, we were standing in the pharmacy, huddled together in the aisle with all the bandages where we and first met Beverly this summer. We had decided that it would probably be best if we wrapped up the cuts on our hands before heading home. But it was really just something to do before he took me home.

"Do you th-think this will be enough?" He asked, holding out a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a roll of gauze-like bandages.

"It should be, the cuts aren't very deep." I nodded, glancing back down at my blood stained hands.

"How much m-mo-money do you have? I've got about three d-dollars." Bill said, digging around in the pocket for the money.

"I've got about two dollars that should be enough, right?" I asked, handing over what was left of this week's allowance.

"Th-that should be plenty." Bill gave me a little have smile as we headed up to the counter.

Bill sat down our two items, the box and bottle covered in little patches of blood from where it hadn't dried completely on his hands. Mr. Keene looked at us for a moment with questioning eyes, but he didn't say anything about us. No one really ever askes what happens to kids in this town.

He rang us up and gave us out total, four dollars and eighty six cent. Bill handed over our conjoined five dollars and Mr. Keene bagged out items and told us to have a good day. Bill and I left and found a little bench in the middle od Memorial Park to sit and fix ourselves up at.

I carefully opened the alcohol and held Bill's hand out over the grass so none of it would spill on either I'd us. I gave him a slight countdown as a warning to brace himself, but he still cursed under his breath as I poured the alcohol on his cut.  I used the sleeve of my sweatshirt and wiped away all the extra blood that was had left thick lines behind from where it had dripped out from his palm. Then, I wrapped up his hand with the gauze as carefully as possible, trying my best not to hurt him.

Then, Bill took my hands in his now clean ones and repeated the process on me. Unlike Eddie, Bill gave me a warning, but it still stung pretty bad. I guess that's what we get for using a dirty piece of glass we found out in the barrens for our blood oath.

Bill carefully wrapped up my hand. When he was done, the wrapping was lumpy and awkward, but mine wasn't much better. Hell, we can't all be Dr. Kaspbrak. At least we did something to keep us from getting Tetanus or some shit.

"All done." Bill smiled.

"All done." I agreed.

"Do you w-want me to walk y-y-you home?" He asked.

"Actually, can we sit here for a few minutes, I think I need a break from all this crying and walking." I was a little out of breath. I'd been in a hospital bed for almost a week and now I've walked all over Derry with Bill without thinking.

"Sure, we'll sit here as l-long as you want." Bill grinned, carefully laying his arm across my shoulders.

I leaned against his side, careful of my still healing wound. My head rested gently against his shoulder and I felt him sigh. I knew that Richie was probably waiting for me on the front porch, and that my mom would probably tell me that we were going to leave tonight when I got home. I didn't want to go home. I never wanted to go back home.

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