Chapter 23

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3rd person POV
Percy was intimidated. He never met his girlfriend's mother, which would sound kinda weird if they were normal which they aren't. If Mr. D could turn him into a dolphin he didn't want to know what Athena could do.
"Persues Jackson, son of Poseidon aren't you?" He nods. "Yes lady Athena." he answers. "I have two things to tell you" the seemingly warm voice turned to a cold one. "First thing, I have talked to my daughter Annabeth constantly and told her to stay away from you, yet she refuses, so if you hurt her or break heart you will turn into a pile of seaweed." she threatened. Percy gulped. 'She is getting scarier by the minute' he thought.
"Second, I am sad to say that the gods need your help." his eyes widen. 'The gods actually need his help' he wondered. "Yes they do, so don't flatter yourself!" She snapped."Why?" He asked. She rolled her eyes and muttered "Ofcourse he's Poseidon's son ."
"Anyway, we need your help because it is foretold that you are the best hero in this generation." she continued. "The war is going to be big, there are going to be many deaths, sacrifices and loses. Be ready young heroes for the war against Gaea and Ouranus." she said her voice distant again. "Good luck." was the last word percy herd before he shielded his eyes from the light.
A war. Dun Dun Dunnnn. When I was thinking about the war and who was gonna be in it I was like OMG OURANUS AND GAEA!!!! That's perfect. I hope XD Byeeeeee.

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