Ch.31.The Life Of A Cat.

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{I Don't own BNHA or The Reader }

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"Today you will be picking a class Rep" Aizawa yawned "You can do whatever you want to pick it just don't interrupt my sleep" he wrapped himself into his yellow sleeping bag and went over to the corner to fall asleep. 

The most stiff of the students stated they should have a voting system, at first some were against it for they would just vote for themselves till the classes feline companion mewed at the idea seemingly loving it, and so they set up a box and wrote their ballets for whom they wanted as the class Rep.

Soon two stood in-front of the class, the lazy purple haired boy scratched at his head in slight confusion how the hell did he get two votes? also the green haired boy was slightly nervous standing next to him and messing with his hair clips, he apparently got four votes, one vote was from the purple haired male, Midoriya was a cinnamon roll and perfect for the position, and Hitsoshi was certain the males boyfriend voted for him and the green haired boy voted for his boyfriend whom only got one vote oddly enough, so that made two if he had to guess blue haired stiff and bubbly girl with a zero gravity quirk also voted for the green haired boy.

But question whom were the two that voted for the purple haired boy? he noticed the feline's {E/C} eyes glinting with mischief  as she used her paw to high five the cute sparky blonde boy whom's boyfriend smirked leaning on his weird elbows, well he assumed they were together because they were distracted with one another a few days ago when facing off against him and that other person he was paired with for it.

So those two voted for him, why would they do it? they barely knew him but than again he did start hanging out with them for their Minecraft  gaming sessions,  apparently they learned the purple haired boy was actually rich due to the fact his mother is a doctor and his father died leaving him in charge of the family business in his will, and giving his mother everything else so they were actually pretty well off, maybe that's why they could afford the tuition bills of the school?

"It seems Izuku Midoriya is the class Rep while Hitoshi Shinso is Vice rep" Aizawa yawned "Go to lunch discuss your things I'm going to sleep in the teachers lounge" he walked out of the class taking the feline from the two idiots in the back.

Once they went to lunch he indeed confirmed the two idiots voted for him and apparently the purple haired boy was apart of the goth squad, which ended with him sitting with a bird headed boy and a purple haired girl with ear phone jacks, apparently the girl voted for her girlfriend while her girlfriend voted for her odd enough, soon his boyfriend came to sit with them and so he gained more friends, and a double date on Saturday scratch that triple because his dyed black haired friend and green haired friend overheard and decided they wanted to go as well.

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And that was a week ago, it's been a bit boring because their were no attacks on the school, for you'd think it would happen but it never did because no one wished to target students, and today their lazy teacher was allowing them to go on a field trip to some place.

Of course Izuku and Hitoshi were in charge of watching the students, and even so they were the reps the dark blue haired boy was going to try and take charge till the feline reminded him of the chart she helped him make two days ago, and so the male was going by his good manners chart.

Which was not to act out he was getting better even was put into a group therapy session with the blonde boy whom dragged the boy to one of his anger management group sessions, apparently next door to the room the males group used was one to help with stress, mainly it was a knitting class, and so the blue haired boy's therapy sessions was actually knitting blankets, scarfs and sweaters with a bunch of women and men whom enjoyed it, that's where he met his soulmate that he didn't know was his soulmate.

A pink haired crazy girl whom enjoyed creating things, went to his school and was in the support classes, but he didn't mind, the two used the knitting to bond, and that was what happened after the day of elections, so it's  safe to say Bakugou helped the boy, along with his boyfriend whom was getting more self confidence slowly thanks to both the feline and the blonde.

"Hey D-Izuku I'm sorry" The blonde told the green haired boy with a sigh he rubbed his arm it surprised the green haired boy whom was about to load the bus "{Y/N}'s been helping me with my issues, apparently my quirk caused me to be half deaf and I had a sight problem so it caused anger so sorry I did those things to you in the past, the scar she gave me kinda reminds me how much of an a** I was, so can we try and be friends again nerd?"

"U-Uh sure Kaachan" The green haired boy smiled "I'd like that though I can't assure the bullying you did will ever fade from my mind" he held out his hand and the gloved male shook his hand, "Also this is an apology for insulting me two weeks ago as well right?"

"Yeah sure, I now gotta sit next to my boyfriend before someone steals the seat next to him, also you look like a girl, a pretty girl with those clips, Frozen-Aizawa is lucky to have someone like you" The blonde stated, before loading the bus taking the seat his dyed red haired boyfriend saved for him, glasses glinting slightly, maybe the sessions made him a bit of a fan boy like his friend, it was nice to say that again, call the nerd his friend again, and indeed the scar did give courage to do these things, because without the feline he would of still been an egotistic a**hole.

Soon everyone was on the bus and heading to the U.S.J where they would be split into groups and sent to certain places best fitting their quirks in order to train, all in all it was a great day along with the fact All-Might and Thirteen were there to guide them, as guests.

No attacks from any villains in another universe their might have been one, but that didn't mean someone was planing something from a boat in the ocean.

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Removing the bandages after all healing was done actually made him feel lighter, as the stylist messed with his dyed black hair adding blue streaks to it, for when the Sports festival came up they'd be preforming for all the students.

His father being free from prison was pushed back for he had the performance to worry about, what if his little brother was there? how was his sister doing? how was Natsuo doing? how was his mother doing? was she out of that awful place? 

"Calm down dear what ever has you worried I'm certain it will be fine" The blonde women doing his hair stated, her purple eyes glinting slightly "You know you remind me of my son, he was born with a quirk that doesn't exactly fit him and it worried him and my wife so when we found out our dear son needed to wear a belt to help him with it, he get's awful stomach aches when he over uses it to".

"Can you tell me more about him? I'm certain it could help me with my nerves so I don't freak out on stage tonight, first time anyone is seeing me without that decaying skin and staples" he told her and she smiled telling him stories of her son and her wife, it really did help him get calmer, he also shared storied about his younger siblings.

Unaware to him he'd soon meet one of his soulmates tonight in the crowd, a male whom was now the number two pro hero, a male with wings whom had finally gotten time off in order to see his favorite band, he always had an attraction to the lead singer, their music helped him through hard times, he heard they'd soon be preforming at U.A at the sports festival as well, that's why they were here at the moment to get everything set up and meet fans, he just didn't know he'd be spilling a cup of coffee on the lead singer after the concert.

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{Happy Halloween everyone, question what's your costume gonna be?}

{Also I'm a Dabi-Hawks-Shigaraki shipper so you got all three going to be a ship, so ship name ideas for the three? also what should Endeavor and Cinnamon's ship name be?}

{Pick one of these- Pumpkin, Caramel, Chocolate, Hazelnut, Peppermint }  

The Life Of A Cat {BNHA x Cat Reader}  |DISCONTINUED|Where stories live. Discover now