Chapter 5 - The Four Founders

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 They finally arrived at the train station and unloaded their luggage onto the platform. The group of six followed the call of first-years to the biggest man Al had ever seen. Draco looked like he was going to make a rude comment but stopped himself and they split into two groups of three, boarding the boats to cross the lake. Finally, they reached a cave and made their way up the steps to what looked like an Entrance hall.

Professor McGonagall introduced herself to the students that hadn't met her before and then led them into a small room where they stood, nervously waiting for this test that they knew was to come. Al heard some whispers, but didn't much feel like joining in - she was just feeling impatient. Finally, they were led into the Great Hall - a room with a bewitched ceiling - where all the staff and older students sat patiently waiting.

"When I call your name, I will place the Sorting Hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses," McGonagall announced, unravelling a scroll as she spoke, "Abbott, Hannah," she called.

 The hat sat still on her head for a moment, before calling, "HUFFLEPUFF!" The table with yellow ties cheered and she rushed over to sit with them.

"Bones, Susan!"


"Boot, Terry," Al was becoming more and more nervous.

"RAVENCLAW!" The blue-tie-house cheered at their first new student.

"Brocklehurst, Mandy."


"Brown Lavender!"

"GRYFFINDOR!" The red house cheered.

"Bulstrode, Millicent!"

"SLYTHERIN!" Draco's favoured green house cheered.

"Crabbe, Vincent."


A few more names were called and then, "Dursley, Alexandra." Al made her way up to the hat, hoping she didn't trip. She sat down on the wooden stool, saw Harry give her a nervous smile, and then the hat was on her head.

Oh, not another one! she heard a voice in the back of her head say.

Another what? she asked it.

 You'd do well in Slytherin, it explained, ambitious, cunning. But I can't put you there because of the muggle-borns rule. Al was really quite confused but let it continue. Instead of the voice talking again however, there was a sharp click in the back of her mind, and she heard another one.

Oh no, no, no, it hissed at her, sounding hoarse. She's a muggle! I won't have it! Go to Gryffindor! You'd be alright there!

I'll take her! another, more friendly voice announced.

No! Slytherin can have her! A third, deep, noble-sounding voice said, It'd be cruel otherwise.

Well, she's certainly not coming with me. A fourth voice said, prim and proper. Gryffindor wouldn't be a bad fit though...

No! I'm sick of this! Every single time! Can't we just overrule him? The third voice asked.

I don't see why not, the fourth voice said again.

I won't have it! The first voice complained.

I think it's a good idea, said the second voice.

Alright then, overruled! The third voice announced.

 Not a moment later, the hat announced, "SLYTHERIN!" Al looked over at Harry and her new friends. Draco was beaming at her and Harry gave her a thumbs up. Ron gave a little smile and Goyle just looked a little bit bewildered. She plonked herself down next to Millicent Bulstrode and introduced herself.

A few more names and then, "Granger, Hermione." The girl from the train stood up, looking as nervous as the rest of them.

The hat deliberated for a moment before announcing, "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Greengrass, Daphne."

"SLYTHERIN!" Al cheered with the rest and the pretty-looking girl sat down opposite her, wearing a big grin.

"Goyle, Greggory!"

"SLYTHERIN!" he stumbled over and slumped next to Crabbe.

"Longbottom, Neville," spent a very long time with the hat on his head.

When it announced, "GRYFFINDOR!" he jogged off with it and had to be brought back. While most of her table laughed, Al felt a little bit bad for him so she chose not to. She noticed Daphne hadn't either.

"Malfoy, Draco," was called and Al went very nervous. She knew Draco had said he was definitely going to be in Slytherin, but what if he wasn't? She didn't really know anyone else here.

 After what seemed like an eternity, the hat announced, "SLYTHERIN!" and he came and sat next to her, looking just as relieved as she felt.

A few more names were called out and, "Nott, Theodore," and, "Parkinson, Pansy," joined them at the Slytherin table and then finally, "Potter, Harry," was called out. There was a flutter of muttering around the hall while he walked up and placed the hat on his head. She couldn't quite see, but he seemed to be mouthing something.

  And then, "GRYFFINDOR!" Al felt her heart sink a little but stood up and cheered for him anyway. She received some odd looks and almost laughed at Draco frantically telling everyone that he was her cousin so it was okay. Finally, she sat down and waited patiently.

"Weasley, Ronald," joined Harry at the Gryffindor table, and lastly, "Zabini, Blaise," placed himself next to Theodore Nott at the Slytherin table. The feast began and they happily dug into their meal, which had magically appeared right in front of them. After eating until they were full to burst, the headmaster, Dumbledore, stood up and began to talk, which she and Draco took to be talking time.

"You took ages," Draco said to her, "I timed it - seven minutes!" That was quite a long time.

"It said I wasn't really supposed to be in Slytherin, had this whole great big argument with itself," she explained to him, "What about you? I thought it'd be instant for you," she asked him.

 "Oh well," he lowered his voice, "It said Slytherin was obvious, but I had the potential for Gryffindor! Can you imagine?"

"Harry's in Gryffindor. And Ron," Al pointed out. Then a sudden, horrible thought occurred to her, "Do you think they'll be ok?"

 Draco looked a little taken aback, "What? Yes, of course. I just thought I wouldn't be a good fit." Al glanced over at Harry, who was listening to Dumbledore intently, and hoped he'd be alright. Mind, he had Ron, so at least he wouldn't be lonely.

 When all was done, they filed out the hall and the four houses separated. Al waved at Harry and Ron and the Weasley twins as they followed the other Gryffindors and Ravenclaws upstairs and followed the other Slytherins and Hufflepuffs downstairs. Soon the Hufflepuffs took a right turn after only one flight of stairs, but the Slytherins continued down two more, the temperature dropping with each step. She shivered slightly and one of the prefects leaned over, "I'd learn heating charms right away if I were you," she said with a smile, which Al returned.

 They continued along the corridor for a while, until they came to an empty space of wall. She threw Draco a puzzled look, but he wasn't looking, "Wolfsbane," one of the prefects said, almost announcing it. Then, like at Diagon Alley, the bricks began to shift around, revealing a large, space. It was square in shape with tall floor to ceiling windows spanning the walls. They cast a gloomy blue-green light across the room. Sofas and armchairs were dotted around with tables strewn into the mix. Upon entering, all the lamps flickered on and the fire roared to life, bringing a little orange light into the dim room. Al smiled; she loved it.

 "Boys to the right, Girls to the left," the same perfect announced and Al followed Daphne, Pansy, and Millicent through the door on the left. At the third door along, they found each of their things next to an emerald green, four-poster bed. They also each had a set of drawers to keep their things, on top of which was a green and silver striped tie and hat, scarf and gloves.

 She wearily got changed and found her way into bed, turning off her light as she did so. She'd decided she loved Hogwarts.

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