Chapter 5

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Image above is Electra's hunting outfit (left) and her everyday type wear (right)


I was brought out of sleep by my dad pounding on my door. "If you don't get up, you're going to be late for school."

I groaned and got out of bed. Standing in front of my closet, I couldn't decide what to wear. I looked down at the bruises. They had darkened into a dark black, blue, and purple mess. The lines of the fingers were even more noticeable than before. I grabbed a long sleeve shirt and a hoodie, throwing them on and pulled on a pair of jeans.

The pain in my shoulder had gone down slightly at least, I could now move it without it feeling like I wanted to rip it off. I grabbed my bag, stuffing the textbooks and notes into it before making my way to the kitchen.

I grabbed a bowl and some cereal, quickly shoveling it down while my dad finished getting ready so he could take me to school. I grumbled slightly as I ate, I was still slightly irritated that Josh and Sarah had both taken the cars and I was left with nothing. It was too late in the year to start getting a bus to drive our way, so I was left behind, herded in by the parental unit. That was definitely not an image I liked. It was worse than if the entire school thought I rode the bus.

"Let's get going. Neither of us can be late."

I dumped the last little bit of cereal and milk down the drain and set the bowl in the sink following after my dad to the Jeep. We started off the drive in silence which was fine, it was how we normally operated, but I couldn't miss my opportunity to try and fix the situation we were in.

"You know, it would be easier on both of us if I had my own car."

My dad chuckled a little. "Easier for both of us?"

"Well yeah. You wouldn't have to drive me in to school every day, and I wouldn't have to get a ride from you." I shrugged as if it were obvious.

"Except for the money it would take to pay it off."

"I don't need anything super fancy, just something that won't die on me and that'll get me to and from school." I said quickly. "It's not like I'm asking for a Mustang," I added.

"Now Electra-"

"I know, he helped pay for it. I can help pay for my car too. And it's not like I'm not working."

As we pulled up in front of the school I could tell he wanted to argue it further but he just turned to me and paused. A slight smile found it's way on his face and he touched my arm, his hand resting right over the bruise there. I did the best I could to not flinch as the pain shot through.

"Maybe. We'll talk about this later."

My eyes widened and I gave him a quick smile back, bailing out of the car before he could change his mind right there.

Almost as soon as I walked through the front doors, Stacey fell in step beside me.

"You didn't call or text me at all this weekend," she pouted.

"Sorry. I was helping my brother move and we had a family thing last night." Lying had become second nature to me. I knew I shouldn't do it, especially as often as I did. It was going to start pushing everyone away. It wasn't like I had too many people in my corner anyway. And they always say that liars eventually get caught in their own web. But honestly, I felt like it was what I had to do. There wasn't any possibly way I could really tell my friends what I did. They'd all think I was crazy.

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