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"I'm bored" I said out loud to no one because I was the only person in the living room. I tried to find something to do 'maybe I should go see if Corey's awake and bother him' I thought to myself. I went to his room and opened the door "Corey?" I asked to see if he was awake.


"What are you doing?"


I laughed and said "okay"

"Cmere" He said.

"why?" I walked over to his bed and suddenly he grabbed my arm and pulled me in the bed with him. I yelped and asked why he did that.

"I was lonely" He said, pouting.

My heart started to race, I began to think 'is he coming onto me...?' but knowing Corey he probably meant that completely platonically. That bummed me out a bit, I did have a big crush and it would absolutely make my year if I knew he felt the same way. Alas...my second assumption was right, he pulled me in because he wanted to hang out but was too lazy to get out of bed. We lied in bed all morning watching all his favorite cartoons, but a few minutes in I realized I could see his shoulders...and part of his chest. "Where's your shirt Corey?" I asked.

"It got hot don't look though I'm shy."

I giggled and told him while pointing to just under his collarbone "I know you are but uh is that a tattoo?"

"DONT TELL MOM" He screamed.

"Geez okay, what even is it?"

"A cherry blossom branch" He said sassily while roughly grabbing the blanket to cover himself.

"When did you get that?" I asked.

"When I turned 16 I was visiting Russia and my dad suggested we get tattoos together and to not tell my mom but I didn't really like the idea. I felt bad about hiding it from her so I got her favorite flower tattooed and under it, it says 'Mamochka'" He said, pointing to the Russian text under his cherry blossom branch.

"Awww Corey that is sooo sweet. I think maybe you should show her."

"I would but it would just make her hate my dad even more." He said.

"Why's she hate him anyway? What's your dad like?" I asked.

"Rough... mean... terrifying... heavy drinker... tobacco user... I mean you can even tell how he is by looking at Connie, when my mother took me and Conrad to live here in the States, she stayed behind and was raised by our father."

"Oh boy...yeah it all makes sense now" I said now understanding why Connie is so different from the other two. "I was wondering why there weren't any pictures of him in any of the photo albums your mother showed me."

"Yeah she's just still salty at him. They're not like mortal enemies she just doesn't wanna ever see his face again."

"Hm okay" I said not really understanding his phrasing.

We finished our conversation and went back to watching cartoons until we heard the front door slam open and someone stomping in. "What the hell is that?" Said Corey.

Then a valley girl accented mans voice yelled "PANDA ITS BROOKS! YOU KNOW WHAT TIME OF THE YEAR IT IIISSSSSS"

"AHHHH!" Corey screamed back, hopping out of bed excitedly not even realizing he still had his shirt off.

"Corey your shirt!" I yelled as he ran to the living room.

"Right!" He said, making a sharp turn for the closet.

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