Chapter 8 ~ We Need Your Help

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Harry's POV:

I spotted Mal and Ben about to get into their limo and leave, and I ran over to them, Uma still in my arms. "Mal! Ben! I need your help! Please!" I begged, starting to cry again. "What's wrong?" Ben asked, looking concerned and also a bit startled. "Uma... hurt... hospital... hurry!" I blurted out between sobs. Ben noticed Uma bleeding profusely, "Oh my! Get in the limo." I carried Uma into the back of the limo and sat down with her on my lap. Mal sat in the front passenger seat with Ben at the driver's seat. He drove us across the bridge and to Auradon. We went to the hospital and I rushed into the waiting room. The doctors lied Uma down on the emergency bed and ran her into the emergency room. I waited for a long moment before the doctor let Mal, Ben and I go inside to see her. Once I saw her I started sobbing again. The bleeding had stopped but she still looked quite bad.

Uma's POV:

"Uma. Uma. Wake up." Harry whispered in a worried tone. I slowly opened my eyes to see myself in a strange room with lots of weird equipment and tools surrounding me. I looked beside me to see Harry kneeling there, holding my hand in his. I wasn't sure of what was going on, "H-Harry? What's going on?" I asked, my voice turning to a whisper. I tried to sit up, but a sharp pain surged through my body, keeping me down. I cried out in pain. Harry laid a hand on my shoulder, keeping me down, "You were shot." He answered, sadness coming out of his voice. I raised an eyebrow and looked down at my arms, which were covered in little wires and needles were sticking out of them. But I couldn't feel a thing. My body was numb except for that sharp pain growing worse at every movement I made. "You're lucky she survived," I heard a man say, holding a clipboard and wearing a white coat, "We'll need to run some more tests, make sure she's not bleeding out from any organs or arteries." "No no! I'm fine! See?" I tried to sit up again, but failed once more, the pain attacking me worse this time. I cried out again. "Relax, love," Harry said in a calm voice but I could sense the worry in it, "They're gonna take good care of ye'. And I'm here with you through it all. It'll be okay." He kissed my hand and looked up at the doctor, mouthing 'Right Doc'? The doctor nodded slightly, but I could tell it was just to try to keep me from worrying.

Harry's POV:

They took Uma out to another room. I sighed and stood up and fiddled with my hook. Mal frowned, "I'm really sorry you had to go through this Harry." I looked down, "Thanks. She didn't deserve this." Ben shook his head slightly, "Of course not. Nobody does." I started crying again and it was making my eyeliner run down my face. "So, are you two together?" Ben asked. I nodded a bit, "Mhmm." I sighed and stared at the ground. I really hope Uma will be okay.

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