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Before I start this chapter I'd just like to thank y'all for reading, voting, commenting allat. Y'all warm my heart and make me feel special & like I can actually write. I appreciate y'all fr 🥺😘


3:45 pm


Leona and I are on the way to her friends construction site. I'm actually excited to get my hands dirty. I haven't done any kind of work in a few months and to be honest this is exactly what I need to get back on my feet.

"So who are these friends we're going to help?"

Leona began to explain to me that Tae's sister's girlfriend has a learning center opening next year with her friend. I nodded my head as I tried to keep up. She was telling me how she first met Jai; the girlfriend and how Chana took her in after her father kicked her out.

I was left speechless because I didn't know her dad had kicked her out. I thought she had just saved up enough money to buy an apartment; as nice as it is.

I glanced over at the gps and realized we were coming up on the turn. I put my blinker on and turned left. Seeing the building I asked Leona where to park. She pointed to the lot off to the side so I pulled in.

I cut the car off and unbuckled my seatbelt. I watched as a man and a woman stood outside talking. Leona got out first so I followed behind her.

"Hey y'all this is my friend Alejandro." The man held his hand out for me to shake, followed by the woman.

They introduced themselves as Nas and Jai. They seemed nice so I didn't put my guard up just yet. We had small talk for a minute or two before going inside.

"Hey my baby" Tae's sister said.

I haven't seen her in about a year. She looks a little different, but not in a bad way. Leona and Chana embraced and said their hellos. When she was done talking to Leona she looked over to me and asked what my name is.

"Oh, um, hi. I'm Alejandro" I said sticking my hand out.

Chana smiled and shook my hand back. She asked me what I was good at and if I could help. I nodded and reassured her that I'm pretty good with my hands. She excitedly let out a squeal and told me to follow her.

Leona flashed me a slight smile and nodded her head. I followed behind Chana as she made her way to the back of the building. The room we stopped at had bookshelves being put together and tables sitting upside down.

"Can you help these amazing men out together the bookshelves and tables. Once y'all finish with that can you come get me?"

I nodded my head and watched as she walked away. There are two men in the room looking drained as hell as if they'd been here all day. I told them that I will put the last four bookshelves together and they can sit and catch their breath. They thanked me and found a spot in the corner and drank some water.


"Thank you Alejandro. I really appreciate it. Come back and help us out again. You did an exceptional job today."

I smiled and thanked her. Leona looks tired and irritated so I didn't suggest we go anywhere but back to her house so I can drop her off.

"You look tired. Ima drop you off at home okay."

She didn't say anything. Instead she nodded her head and gave me a half smile. I drove the entire ride silent, the only noise being made was coming from the radio.

It only took about fifteen minutes to get there. I cut the car off and went around to open her door. She sluggishly got out and grabbed her keys to open the door. I didn't want to overstep so I didn't go in. I gave her a hug and as I was pulling away she quickly kissed me on the cheek.

I felt myself warm up all over. I haven't been with a woman romantically in over a year. Her straightforwardness kind of took me by surprise. I didn't think she liked me, especially with Tae being killed. I assumed it'd be harder to let her go.

Still not wanting to overstep I just gave her a smile and told her to close and lock the door. She assured me that she will and watch me walk down the stairs and back to my car. I looked back up at her door and motioned for her to close the door. She giggled and did just that.

I felt my phone vibrate as I was getting into the car. I pulled it out and looked at my lock screen.

Text From: Polo
Get over here now!!

I sucked my teeth and unlocked my phone so I can respond.

Text To: Polo


Oouu Alejandro good with his hands, he's blushing nshit 😂

Leona kissing people on their cheeks

But what about that text Alejandro got???

Who got him shook??

As always stay tuned..

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