Chapter 09

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I'm gay.....I mean that's pretty obvious "we need to talk" I said secretly he looked confused about it he then got up and pulled me by my hand "get up fuckwad!" he said I didn't want to why was he so antsy "fine. Jesus, you stop acting like a rabid dog,"

I get up we walk outside of the cafeteria I looked around to see if anybody was around I pushed Eddie to the locker "why are you so antsy to know what we were going to talk about, " he was bright red I chuckled he looked so cute I just wanted to kiss him and protect him I leaned in he interrupted it by asking, "what were we going to talk about Rich?" I get suddenly nervous I walk to sit down on the floor my back to the lockers Eddie sits next to me "I like boys" Eddie looked like he was pretending to be surprised he started to talk, "wow. I didn't know tha-" I interrupted him "liar." I said unexpectedly.

He looked actually surprised by my response, "I um I uh didn't-" I interrupted him he seemed uncomfortable "I mean I did just kiss you...."


I had a mix of emotions I mean he and we are just friends though... what if all this mess up our relationship and makes us have a fight ending our friendship and our relationship. I think that him telling me didn't help. But the silence was actually killing me "I don't know what I am," I said sitting there on the floor next to him, he smiled "I like you though..." I was blushing who just says that out in the open I was embarrassed he then kissed me on the cheek a chuckled "you obviously liked me talking about me liking you..." how did he know I liked that maybe I was too obvious.

"I don't even like you," I said in probably the most unconvincing voice he laughed, "sure cutie," I jumped at that nickname "stop!" I said as he was still laughing he then said, "if you didn't like it you wouldn't have blushed every time I've flirted with you, " I was shocked I said in a surprised tone, "flirting?!?" he chuckled yet again he then kissed me.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2020 ⏰

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