Pizza problems (Chomper pov)

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This has to be a joke.
I just went outside to go take some food, and three plants came.
I didn't like them, not because they were my school bully's it was because they don't like normal pizza.

Who loves toenail pizza!!!
They do, and it's disgusting... Ok do not call me a hypothetical being. Just because I eat zombie legs, doesn't justify eating dog toenails.
Dog's are for being fluffy cute bodyguards. Even though there scary...
I stare at them, and they stared at me. We were both in a situation that can only be solved civilly.
"Hey you ugly looking plant that can't have a life!!!!" Yelling at them from far many people started to stare at us. The gang didn't look pleased, so he came straight at me.
"Dunno, how about deleting you existence how about that!!!" The yellow looking plant who's name was steve. I then went towards him, and grabbed his leaf.
"If I never existed then I would be glad, cause no one loves a guy that like toenail pizza!!" Many people were either confused over our stupidity.
I didn't care cause I was about to win, after I punched him.

Nice thoughts. Ok that never happened we just stared at each other awkwardly, and went off.
Lost a good chance.

Bep bep bap boop!


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