The Hockey Player In My Life #1

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  • Dedicated kay To The Hockey Player In My Life


Author's Note:

Today is someone speacial's birthday in my life today. Decided to write a oneshot about his birthday today from my POV. You guys all probably like, really nobody cares about your life, but it sounded like a great idea for a one shot :P ANYWAYS i really wanted to have him in one of ym oneshots thought why not write out a birthday one shot about him. Names, and locations are all created by me, these peoples names are not in reality those. Im still soo happy!!! LOL Hope you guys all enjoy. And if he ever comes across this Happy 16th Birthday to you! PM me or comment down below and reuqests and vote please :)

Stay Strong <3


You threw of your covers, and hurriedly got ready since you were getting late for school. This is a typical day in your life. You get dressed and pull open your laptop. You go on Facebook to see that it's his birthday today, not just any birthday, it was his 16th. You sat there confused for a while because you had always thought his birthday was on the 15th of November, instead of the 6th. You finish up your remaining homework and get ready to head out the door. You get inside the car, and take your dad's IPhone and check up on NHL news and the schedule. 

'Flames are 5:30 and Penguins at 6, sounds great'

Your dad drives you and your siblings to school. The car ride was silent, but you were too tired to escape your present world. You were getting really anxious as you watched the time on the dashboard from 8:24am to 8:25. You finally arrive at school; you sling both shoulder straps for your backpack on your back, take your chemistry book and your water bottle out of the trunk. You try balancing all the items into your left hand, as you shut the trunk with your dominant hand. Your siblings had run off to the doors to avoid closing the trunk. You walk to class, and realize the assembly hasn't been done yet. Mrs. Abelmann was yelling inside the assembly room about how we always come late. Stupid lectures, you were going to escape to the bathroom when you realize that she can hear the bathroom door open and close. You stand outside listening to her complain for a while till the whole morning assembly was over. Everybody walks out of the room and you go to your locker to get your math textbook and notebook. 

"Heey," You go up to Alison and hug her and look at Crystal.

"Ewww its Crystal. I love her cardigan though."

You and Alison laugh at her. 

"Heey, no hug today for me?" You say. 

Crystal comes and hugs you.

"By the way you got DT at lunch today,"


"I don't know Lol, I'm getting late for math though I'll see you later."

"Bye Crystal,"

You walk with Stephanie, Renee, and Alison downstairs to the art room for math class. A sigh escapes your mouth.

"Hey you're early today," The art teacher looks up from her computer as you and your friends walk into math class. You walk into class and see Mr. Woodward; your math teacher isn't even in class yet. 

"Hey, why are we here so early?"

"That's what she said, a few minutes ago LOL."

You walk and sit beside Stephanie and pull out your math book and place them on your desk. 

Mr. Woodward walks into class. 

"Hey, Mr. Woodward it's Jake's birthday today!" 

"Everybody stand up and let's sing happy birthday to Jake today." 

NHL One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon