Part 11 "Mey"

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As Vinceza opens the doors, her hands fully grasped on my handcuffs, I see a barrage of dirty looking men with snide looks on their faces. They're all glaring lustily at a girl onstage. Some walking up to the concierge in the corner to make appointments. Others ordering drinks and slapping waitresses asses.

Vinceza takes me under a curtain behind the stage and down a long hallway full of the strippers and hookers putting on makeup and going to rooms to perform appointments.

She takes me in a back door and leads me to an office labeled,

"Talent Manager"
Inside there is a woman who greets me and Vinceza with open arms.

"Aye! It's been too long yes it has!"

The woman has spiky crimson hair, sharp amber eyes, a jawline sharp enough to cut diamonds, and the gun in the pocket of her jeans is a bit too noticeable.

"Hello, Mey." Vinceza says, creeping past pleasantries.
"How long has it been?" Mey asks, shaking her hand
"Since mom and dad died" Vinceza says as she grips the cross necklace on her chest.
"A bloody shame, they were lovely to us."
"Yeah. Last Christmas was great."
"You were always the favorite."
"Dad liked you more!"
"I see why."

"So, I've come to offer you a new hire." Vinceza says, gesturing to me.

"Ah, shes lovely yes she is!! Where'd you get her!?" Mey fawns over me, stroking my hair and examining me.

"That's Vincenzo's story to tell."
"Ah you still in the black market?"
"Unfortunately. He's had his eye on this one for a while. He's been watching her and waiting to strike. Wanting her for himself, and no other man. So he kidnapped her. I'm sending her here to make some money first, do with her what you will."
With that, Vinceza drops me and walks out, as she does so she says to Mey,



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