Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Even though it was the official start of the Spring Equinox festival, the real party didn't start until later that night. Jai couldn't help his excitement whenever he, Lyv, and the others headed out for the evening. It had always been that way for him ever since he was little. More than likely because the last day of the festival was his birthday, but he knew this one was going to be one of the most special yet.

It didn't take them long to clean up and dress after their training session. Elys came into Jai and Lyv's bathing room as Jai was helping her pin her hair up, which the little boy was more than happy to help with, too. Lyv was dressed in Jai's favorite – a sleeveless, burgundy dress she's bought for a village wedding years before in Escarral. She put a long sleeve tunic beneath it since there was still a slight chill in the air, but it hugged every one of her curves even more than it had then.

Like usual, the royal family had their celebratory dinner before they left out with just themselves, though they were joined by new members of their family that year and missing one who had been there previously. It was always an earlier dinner than usual, but that was because the first night's party was almost always the most fun, other than the last that fell on Jai's birthday.

Sherine's bakery was the first place they visited, mostly because Lyv got the fairy to promise to leave an entire chocolate mousse cheesecake in the back for her. Good thing, too, since she had sold out of everything else in her bake cases. There was enough for them all, but Lyv, Elys, and Eamon helped finish off anyone else's that they couldn't finish themselves. Elys was the one to get the most chocolate around his mouth, but he just grinned with spoon in hand before Lyv attacked him with a napkin.

Once they left, the sun had all but disappeared, allowing for the different colored lanterns to light every street that ran through Ayveri. Penrose, of course, was the liveliest of them all, though, which was also where most of the booths were set up, lights were strung up across the width of the street, and the smells of food and sounds of laughter filled the air.

So, they took their time looking around. Lyv kept a tight hold of Jai's hand, tugging him along as she followed after Elys and Eamon. Posy wasn't far behind the boys, finally catching up to sit on top of Elys's head. The pixie was more like her old self again...and loved them even more because she got flowers from Jai, Lyv, and Elys to put in her bookshelf room.

Jai knew Elys and Eamon were wanting to get back home whenever they started slowing down. Just a little while later, he found himself with Elys asleep in his arms and Eamon dragging his feet with heavy eyes, holding Lyv's hand on her other side.

Laurel and Michel, who had found them after making sure Archer was asleep for at least a little while, stopped them just before they got back onto Penrose where the music seemingly got louder than it had all night.

"Here, let's get them home and into bed," Laurel smiled at Jai as she motioned for Michel to take Elys from his arms. She reached for Eamon then, who leaned his head against her side, eyes closing. "You all stay out for a little while longer. Michel and I will take them back home and into bed."

"Are you sure?" Jai asked, rubbing his hand up and down Elys's back as Michel secured him even more in his arms. Posy, who was swaying on her feet, too, curled up in the crook of Elys's shoulder and closed her eyes.

Michel nodded. "We've got them. Don't worry."

Laurel gave them a smile, one that was just as sleepy as the little boys. "You all stay out longer. Dance, drink, have fun. You deserve it. And we deserve some sleep since Mother's watching Archer for the night."

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