Waking Up

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Hello again! Sorry it took awhile for me to upload! I was kinda a mixture of busy and lazy but here it is! Remember to comment!!


NiallsPrincess1198 xxxooxxx


Bren's POV

Why does my head hurt so much? I feel like there is a stampede going on inside my brain. Uggh... Come on Bren let's open our eyes now. Come on you can do it. I try opening my eyes but I just can't. I try again and manage to get them open just a crack. I squint around the room. I see 5 figures standing in a white room with me. I can't make out their faces.

"She's awake!" I hear a very familiar British voice say. Wait, I don't know anyone British. Why is that voice so familiar?

"Back off mate she needs some room!" I hear another voice say. There is some scuffling and the 4 figures disappear for a moment. I work my eyes open so that I can make out the faces. There is only one person left in the room now. I turn to see who it is.


"You aren't dreaming, love." He says to me. I must have said that out loud. I have to stop doing that.

"Your-your Niall Horan..." I stutter; oh no he probably thinks I'm weird or something.

"I don't think your weird and yes last time I checked I am Niall Horan." Niall said talking to me, TO ME!!!!

"I'm a big fan." I say stupidly. He laughs.

"I can tell by your ringtone. I love it by the way." He chuckles, handing me my iphone. Oh great, Niall Horan heard my ringtone and now he probably thinks I'm some weird stalker fan. I am not a directionator, I am not a directionator, do not make them think you are a directionator.

"So just wondering, what exactly are you doing here...where exactly is here by the way?" I ask considering I have no idea where I am.

"Well...we sort of hit you...in short you and your car were totaled. So we followed the ambulance here, to the hospital, because we knew you were a fan and so yea...well I knew you were a fan of me at least..." he blushes.

"What? How could you know that...Oh...I was wearing my shirt wasn't I? The future Mrs. Horan one? Crap." I say as he nods try to suppress a gigantic grin. Great just freaking great. Now that I have thoroughly embarrassed myself, where are the rest of the guys?

"They are getting some lunch. You have been out for about 3 hours and we wanted to be here when you woke up. You know maybe sing a song or sign something; talk for a bit considering we almost killed you." Niall explains. Okay I need duct tape over my mouth.

"Oh okay." Suddenly I feel very insecure and I don't know what for(A/N sorry wrote the first part and just had to do it!) Suddenly, there was a lot of noise coming from behind a door which I assumed was the hallway. It all stopped then something slammed into the door. Next, the door opened. I had to keep myself from screaming and fangirling. Liam popped his head in, followed by Harry and Zayn. I thought I was about to die. Louis apparently climbed on top of them and got his head in over Zayn. The door swung open as they collapsed in a heap on the floor of the room. The white tile was slippery. It was so boring in here now that I was looking around. The white walls and grey couch were so, blah. There was nothing on the walls and the most colorful piece was a red cup on the side table, which was white.

I laughed, the scene reminded me of their music video, Live While We're Young. Is it only me? Niall was cracking up so much that he had fallen to the floor and was clutching his stomach. This made me laugh even harder. That boy. Louis jumped off the pile and came over to me.

"You feeling better, love?" He asked genuinely concerned about me. I love how nice they are to their fans.

"Loads better. Its not too bad being in the same room as One Direction!" I said grinning from ear to ear.

"It's not too bad being here with you either!" Harry chimed in from underneath Zayn. He rolled the Bradford Bad boi off and crawled over to us. Niall finally stood up and held on to the bed to steady himself. He was still breathing really hard. Zayn jumped up and skipped, yea skipped, over to where we all were. Well, where the boys were I was still stuck in this stupid bed. I hadn't even looked down at myself yet. I had been so focused on them that I hadn't noticed my condition. I had one leg wrapped up and hanging so it was elevated. I had heavy bandaging around my chest and a cast on my arm. There was also bandages wrapped around my head. There were IV's connected all over my arms and machines were beeping all around me. How on earth did I not notice this?

Liam ninja rolled over to us. I laughed now I remember why I love them so much. I hadn't really been convinced I loved them lately because they just seemed so distant from their fans. I had fallen for the boys on the stairs and now it seemed like those boys were gone and I had no idea how to get them back. But I wasn't complaining considering that they could have just driven away but no. They decided to come and visit me. We talked about stuff for a while.

I explained about how I had been a fan for about 5 years. I told them about Gabby and about school and they told me they were sorry to hear about my mom. I had lost her to cancer 4 years ago and since I turned 18 in a few months I was officially a foster child and so was my brother. We were "taken care of" by our neighbor so that we could stay in the same house. He was drunk most of the time so we got the money from the state 4 times a month and took care of ourselves. It was hard but we managed. Ryan... crap! I have to call him and let him know I was okay.

I quickly grabbed my phone from Louis, who was playing Angry Birds and texted Ryan that I had been in an accident and was at the ER but that I was fine and would be home tomorrow. He texted back saying that he had to study with a friend so he was fine for the night and he hoped I felt better soon. I smiled he and I were very close. I didn't tell him that there were 5 guys with me. And that we would be staying the night in the same room.

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