Chapter 20

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Kaitlyn's POV


FVCK!!! Who keeps setting my freaking alarm clock!

I sit and see that my sheets are soaked in blood. Oh no, Eh I'll be fine.

I do my morning routine, and cover up my wrists. Then I go downstairs to find an empty house.

"Everyone left for work," Uncle Kurt says coming out from the kitchen.

"Okay," I whisper. This guy is creepin me out.

"You're very beautiful Kaitlyn," Uncle Kurt smirked.

"Thanks, umm I gotta go," I awkwardly stated, and quickly walked out of the house.

I got in the car and drove toward school. It's gonna be like hell on Earth today.

About 15 minutes later I pulled up to the school. Here goes nothing.

I walked in through the double doors, and made a dash for my locker. When I got there I quickly opened it, got my books, and darted to my first hour.

~~~~Lunch Time~~~~

For some reason Rydel and Ellington didn't come to school today, so I'm all alone. I go out to the lunch area and sit at a table.

I bet I look like an idiot sitting here all alone. 

"Well, if it isn't miss jump off a bridge," Claudia giggled. That wasn't even funny.

"More like miss all alone," Derek chuckled. Everything happened so fast, I didn't know what to do.

I was sitting at a lunch table one minute, and covered in sloppy joe the next minute. Everyone erupted into laughter, and pointed at me.

I didn't realize I was crying until I wiped food away from my face.

I ran out of the lunch room, and ran into the girls bathroom. I sat in a corner and got out my blade.

It takes the pain away remember that. I swiped the blade across both off my wrists, and blood trickled down my wrist.

I cut deeper on my right wrist, and everything got hazy. Did I cut to deep? 

It wasn't to long before my eyesight went blurry, and I blacked out.


Sorry For the short chapter I was in school when I wrote typed this.

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