Lie #21: Homeschooler' Parents are so Strict they Can't even Watch PG Movies

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Lie #21: Homeschoolers’ Parents are so Strict they Can’t even Watch PG Movies

The Sheltered Homeschooler - Hey mom! Can we please watch Frozen? I know it’s PG and we’re not allowed to watch those because they’re bad, but I really want to see it! It has a snowman and princesses, so pretty pretty please can we watch it?

The Strict Mother – What did I tell you about asking me to watch PG movies? You know you’re not allowed to, so stop asking! If you want to watch a movie, it has to be G and me or your father have to be with you.

The Annoyed Homeschooler– B-but mom!! It’s not even bad! Even Jenny’s little sister has watched it! And she’s only four!

The Strict Mother – Am I Jenny’s mom? No, I’m not, because she doesn’t care for her children. What kind of mother would let their kids watch bad movies? An uncaring one. But I care about you and want you guys to be safe. There’s a lot of great G-rated movies that you can watch instead of this Frozen movie.

The Crying Homeschooler – You’re so mean! I wish you were Jenny’s mom! If you really cared about us, you’d let us watch Frozen!

The Strict Mother – Young lady, go to your room! You are being so disrespectful. The new rule is that you can’t watch any movies, even G-rated ones.

The Homeschooler - *stomps up the stairs*


You like my story? I had fun writing it and that’s all the matters. Anyhow, I made that all up completely from this amazingness called my brain. But I actually have a true story where something similar to this happened. But at the time, the kids went to public school. Now they’re homeschooled. I know, it’s such a crazy crazy coincidence.

So we’ve known this family since I was in diapers, and my parents are really good friends with them. The kids were probably 3, 5, 8, and 9 when this story occured. I’m not sure. But they were definitely young. Anyways, they came over our house, along with another family with older kids, like teenager age.

Well as you may have guessed, we wanted to watch a movie. However, as we started it, the younger kids came in the room and were like, um, “We’re not allowed to watch this movie. Only G-rated.” And OMGSH, you wouldn’t event think, but it is SO hard to find a decent G-rated movie on Netflix other than boring, cartoony stuff. I think we ended up watching a documentary or something just so they would leave because we were legit in there for an hour looking for something to watch.

So the point is -->                                    .

The person who gave me the idea for this chapter, originally stated the lie that homeschoolers aren’t allowed to watch R-rated movies. But I, personally, am not allowed to watch those, so I didn’t want to lie within a lie. Therefore, I changed it up. I know a few homeschoolers who are allowed to watch R-rated crap, but not many. It’s cause our parents actually care about us.

No, I’m joking. Public schooler parents care about their kids too. But the majority of homeschooler’s parents are strict in certain aspects. For one, television.

I honestly don’t care that I can’t watch R movies, because I’m not a big fan of movies and tv. I’d much rather spend my time reading and wasting my life on the internet.

And I honestly, don’t think ANY parents are so strict that they only let their kids watch G movies, unless they’re like, toddlers.

Still, as I said before, most homeschooled parents are strict. Mine sure are. If I so much as say one sassy remark to my mother, she’ll confiscate my phone. And there’s this rule that if we eat in any room other than the dining room, we have to pay a quarter. They also used to turn off the wifi at 5 every night. OMGSH I hated that one so much. What they didn’t know was that I found a way around it. Shhh. Don’t tell them! I had to be super careful that they wouldn’t catch me though. Luckily they never did…

You’re probably now thinking, “WOW here I was thinking my parent are strict!” And you’re also probably thinking “She’s contradicting herself. First she says it’s a lie that homeschooler parents are strict, and now she’s telling us how strict her own parents are! Is she mental?!”

Okay, I probably am mental. But, the thing is, I know a lot of homeschoolers who have really chill parents. Heck, even most of my friends talk about how ‘chill’ my parents are compared to theirs. Which makes no sense. But my mom acts like a completely different, really nice person around them. It’s annoying.

Yes, she’s nice, but she’s like, sickeningly nice around them, if you know what I mean.

But yeah, a lot of homeschoolers’ parents aren’t strict. When my friends do hear about some of the rules my parents have, they are shocked, because they’re parents don’t go to those extremes.

So like pretty much everything else in this book, there are those parents who are strict and those who are not. Whichever yours are, whichever yours aren’t, we all complain about them at some point in life.

Oh and here’s my advice: don’t watch Frozen, it’s PG and therefore really really bad!!

I love you guys and your comments on this book. Even though this book only has 28k reads while one of my other ones has 982k, I love this book so much more. Anyways, what crazy rules have your parents made? Any crazier than the ones I mentioned? Or are your parents just like “Eh, whatever, it’s their life.”?

I will be posting Lie #22 next Saturday!

And I came up with this really great idea to do at the end of this book. You are so going to love it. It involves some extra chapters that aren’t lies.

Have an amazing weekend!!

<3 Ashlyn Taylour

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