Ch. 20

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I wake up in a room full of my mates scent and I let out a long yawn. I look around and realize my kids are no where in sight. I jump out of the comfortable bed and burst through the doors. I run down the halls not even knowing where I'm going but still following my kid's scent.

As soon as I find the room holding their scent I open the doors only to see ace setting up toys as the kids tell him where to put them. "I just put it right there." Ace hiss.

"Don't hiss at me." Jaylyn says putting her hand on her hip. That's definitely my daughter.

Ace puts the toy down and frowns. "You're always frowning." I say walking towards them. I look around the room to see how huge it is.

"I haven't smiled in over a century," he says shrugging in response going back to putting toys on shelf's.

I hear foot steps and turn around towards the door frame to see that female Kason "rescued" walk by.

"HEY!" I yell running towards her. She jumps and looks at me. "Um hi?" she questions.

"Didn't...wasn't you rescued in the woods?" I ask not wanting to say his name.

"And aren't you the mate of the man who supposedly rescued me?" She questions suspiciously.

"How are you a werewolf in a vampire's coven." I question back.

"Sorry to be rude of that is none of your concern...Queen." She responds in a neutral tone, I can tell she genuinely was not trying to sound mean but she was very guarded. And I noticed bruises all over her body. A lot of which was vampire markings.

"Do they...hurt you here?" I ask raising a brow.

"Oh god no. These are some of the nicest people I've ever met." She responds laughing a little. I drop the subject and let eye her a little. "I have a feeling the word nice is a stretch," I say looking back into the room to see Ace and Aiden arguing over where the toy looks better at.

Jaylyn walks out the room and her and Danielle is off to somewhere. I'm about to stop them before the woman in front of me stops me. "Don't worry they're only going to the coven's garden." She says watching her daughter run off.

I say bye to her and walk back in the room. I look around to see it's not that bad. Although the smell of death is extremely strong it's not that bad. "Ace. I've decided to let you interact with m- our kids. But can you show me to a library or something."

Ace nods his head and lifts me up as soon as I blink I'm surrounded by books. "Thank you." I mumble. I look around to see three other vampires in the room and they watch me.

I try to wash off their stares but I can steal feel their eyes burning holes in my back. A male vampire in the room speeds up to me and sits down. "Hmm...I don't know you, so you're obviously new. And you're not dead so you're not from this coven. But you reek of power..."

"Don't Tell me you slept with King Ace...I bet you did Just letting you know there has been plenty females before you and there will be plenty females after you." He states crossing his arms.

That hurt.

I put on a strong face and answer his accusations "Um no ew... I did not sleep with Ace-" all of a sudden people hiss at me.

What did I do wrong now?

"Did you just call the most ruthless dead person on earth by his first name without the adding the title king to it and then had the audacity to insult him? You're dead meat walking but favor? Before you die can I drink your blood? Your blood smells amazing." This Guy is weird.

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