By the Light of the Moon

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|| Lockwood's mansion ||

Tyler and Jake are in their father's office. He's watching Mason's transformation while he's preparing everything for the full moon. He takes the phone and calls Mason but he doesn't answer. He leaves a message

"Mason, it's Tyler again. Look, your voicemail is full. I need to talk to you. It's a full moon tomorrow and... I found your recording and I'm frecking out over here. Just call me back, please." Tyler says. He turns to look at his brother and shakes his head.

|| Mason's apartment ||

A girl is here. She's listening to Tyler's message.

|| Gilbert's house ||

Elena is in her bedroom. She's looking at the moonstone. Lottie and Bonnie are with her.

"Now that you've got this back, what are you gonna do with it?" Elena says.

"Right now it's what is binding the sun and the moon curse. If I can figure out a way to remove the spell from the stone, the stone becomes useless." Bonnie says.

"I can help." Lottie offers.

"And according to Katherine, Klaus becomes vengeful." Elena says.

"Maybe if he finds out." Bonnie says.

"Bonnie, can't this wait? Stefan is stuck in the tomb with Katherine. We've got to get him out." Elena says.

"Stefan wants me to focus on this" Bonnie says.

"He's stuck in there with the dopplebitch." Lottie says.

"Don't listen to him. He thinks that he's protecting me but he's wrong." Elena says.

"I'm taking Stefan's side with this one. We're not gonna let you get use in some creepy sacrifice ritual." Bonnie.

"Bonnie, Stefan needs our help." Lottie says.

Jeremy arrives. Bonnie takes the stone from Elena's hand

"What are you guys arguing about?" Jermey asks.

"We're not arguing anything." Bonnie puts the stone in her bag and looks at Jeremy. "I need a coffee." Bonnie gets up and leaves. Jeremy looks at Elena and leaves.

"I'm going to my room." Lottie leaves, she looks her door and collapsed on her bed holding her head and chest crying in pain.

In the other room, Elena takes the moonstone from Bonnie's bag. She gets down the stairs. She has her car's keys in her hands. Bonnie joins her.

"Where are you going?" Bonnie says.

"To see Stefan." Elena says.

"You're lying." Bonnie says.

"No, I'm not." Elena says.

"Really? Tell your face." Bonnie says.

"Are you serious?" Elena asks, Jeremy rejoins them.

"She took the moonstone." He says.

"How did you...?" Elena asks.

"We tested you and you failed." Bonnie says.

"Klaus killed Katherine's entire family just because she crossed him. I can't let that happen." Elena says.

Bonnie lets her leave. Elena opens the door and tries to get out but she can't. She's trapped. She turns herself and looks at them

"What did you do?" She asks, Damon, Bonnie looks at Jeremy who's smiling

||  The tomb  ||

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