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Alexandra had come to realise that Hufflepuffs had half of their classes with Ravenclaws, and the odd one with Gryffindor or alone. It made sense. While Ravenclaws were known for their wisdom and thirst for knowledge, Hufflepuffs also valued hard work, which an education was most certainly part of. And while Gryffindors and Slytherin were smart, both valued practice over theory. Whatever the reason she was most certainly glad she didn't see much of her siblings, aside from the odd meal in the great hall. She sent quite a short letter to her family, so that they'd know she was in Hufflepuff and not Gryffindor. They'd probably be disappointed but it wouldn't really matter all that much.

She also found her way to the hospital wing. She needed to be able to sleep at night, but knowing Quildemort was in the castle made her too uneasy. She'd decided she would ask Madame Pomfrey for a dreamless sleep potion. She couldn't wait until she could use the potions classroom during her own time. She knew she wouldn't be able to for at least half the year. She'd need Professor Snape's approval, and he was already biased enough against her family. He tried to pick on her during one of his classes.
"Another Weasley." He'd scowled at her as he walked past her. "I hope you aren't another blithering idiot like those brothers of yours." She hadn't replied, knowing that a retort probably wouldn't help her. He moved on from her then. She wondered if he'd met Ron yet, and then decided he hadn't. He'd have hated her more if he had, and would've probably thought there was no hope for her.

She'd kept a low profile during potions, and made her way to the hospital wing after that.
"Oh dear, what's wrong?" Madame Pomfrey asked.

"No, no. Nothing. I'm fine. I just- I was wondering- Do you think-?" She stuttered before clearing her throat. "Is it possible for me to get some dreamless sleep potion?"

"Why, are you having nightmares?"

"Yeah, just nerves about being at Hogwarts, I'm sure. But I don't want it to affect my studies, especially seeing school has just started." She lied.

"Yes of course. I just need your name and your house."

"My name?"

"Oh it's just to keep a record of where each potions go. We need to keep stock, you see."

"Yes of course. I'm Alex. Hufflepuff."

"Last name, dear."


"Oh." Madame Pomfrey looked at her, startled. "Dear, is something bothering you?"

"Not at all, Madame Pomfrey. I promise, just restlessness over starting a new school. I'm happy to be here, but it's also a little scary for me." She pouted. Madame Pomfrey looked like she believed her, so she continued. "It's not a big deal, really. I think I just need to get used to being here is all."

"Of course, but I want you to know you can come to me, alright? About anything."

"Of course," Alexandra gave her a sweet smile as Madame Pomfrey gave her a dreamless sleep potion and sent her on her way. Alexandra hurried to the library, choosing to spend her time studying there where no one would find her.

The rest of the week went by without any incident. It wasn't until the next week when Hermione approached her, saying something about Ron and Harry dueling Malfoy. She knew there was no way she could talk him out during the day, so a half hour to midnight, she was waiting outside the Gryffindor common room, hoping her brother and Harry had changed their mind. She'd bumped into a sleeping Gryffindor at the end of the corridor. She was proved wrong, however, and the boys trailed out of their common room.

"Get back inside!" She demanded, crossing her arm. Ron frowned.


"Ronald Bilius Weasley! What on earth are you thinking?"

"Didn't realise you cared." He scoffed.

"Now is not the time. Get back inside your common room or I'll write to mother and she can send you a howler."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Don't test me, Ronald. How idiotic can you be? Sneaking around at midnight? Dueling a fellow classmate? You'll get yourself expelled."

"What does it matter to you if we get caught? I'll go home, and won't be around to bother you."

"That's true, and knowing mum, she'll probably make me come home too. Not everything's about you." Hermione looked at her with a raised brow but said nothing. "Get back inside now."

"And if I don't?" He glared.

"Then you'll get your duel, only it won't be with Malfoy and you'll most definitely lose."

"Alexandra-" Harry started.

"My name is Alex. And you might be the boy who lived but that'll just get you in more trouble. People will be claiming you're getting special treatment if you're let off. You want to be expelled a week into Hogwarts?"

"But Malfoy-"

"Malfoy's a Slytherin. If he wanted a duel, he'd do it in broad daylight where he could humiliate you, not in the middle of the night where flashing lights will no doubt get the attention of someone and get you all caught."

"She has a point-" Hermione started.

"Haven't you interfered enough?" Ron said, rather harshly. Alexandra hit her brother's arm.

"Don't be a git!" She scolded.


"And no need to be a baby about it. Get back inside." Alexandra narrowed her eyes. The boys turned around to head back in, but the fat lady was gone.

"She's gone." Ron shrugged.

"I guess that means we should go, in case Filch finds us out here. At least if we keep moving, we'll have less chance of being caught." Ron and Harry started walking before Alexandra could berate them some more.

"What kind of logic is that?" Alexandra asked Hermione who shrugged. The girls rolled their eyes and walked after the boys. Harry and Ron bumped into Neville- the boy she'd passed at the end of the corridor.

"You're not out here for you." Hermione said, her tone accusing. "You're here for him."

"No, I'm not." Alexandra denied and looked up at the boys who were talking to Neville. They hadn't heard.

"I'm not easily fooled, you know. Your first reaction was for his safety." Hermione lowered her voice. "Why do you pretend otherwise?"

"Just leave it, Hermione. Please?"

"I like puzzles. The more you try to hide, the more persistent I'll become."

Alexandra WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now