51. Dating Chris Chambers....

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- deciding to help him study in the treehouse

- him being super shy around you at first

- cute nicknames

- him sending cute notes to you in lessons

- you both getting told off by the teacher for it

- him buying you flowers every so often and leaving them in your locker for you

- him sneaking into your room whenever

- staying up all night long talking

- him often breaking down, crying in front you due to his dad and brother

- you being bestfriends with all the boys

- chris getting jealous....a lot

- always says you deserve better, someone like gordie

- you reassuring him he's the only one you want

- a lot of 'i love you's' to each other

- barely ever fight

- warm hugs and kisses

- super cute dates

- your parents never approving of him

- they try breaking you up

- then giving up due to realising there's no point in trying anymore as you'll never leave one another

- his parents never bothering

- promise rings on your one year anniversary

- running away together when you both turn eighteen and done with school

- you both going to college and uni together

- chris never getting stabbed because you convinced him to stay with you the night due to heavy rain

- you both end up having good careers

- getting married

- having one child

- growing old together

- staying together forever

- you finally, in time, finding out who the real chris chambers is
a/n: awh i low-key loved this :)
ran out of ideas so i just went for this, i will do the rest of the boys another day, oh yeah imma start uploading again but not as frequently, like probably three/four times a month perhaps.
anyway enough about that, love you guys so much also thank you for 12k it's unbelievable!!
so i guess i should say until next time, bye!
- sofia :)

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