Chapter 28 - Baby Raven

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It's been a week since I first found out the news I'm going to be an aunt and I'm so excited. Up until this point they still haven't told anyone else about the pregnancy, but that's all going to change this morning because they've called a family meeting.

I change into a summer dress and make my way back into the bedroom where Zay is still laying around.

"Excuse me Zayd Cameron, are you a part of this family?" I place my hands on my hips.

"Yes?" He replies with an unsure look on his face.

"Well get up then, family meeting in five minutes." I skip out of the bedroom door.

I make my way downstairs and find Sasha and Ryan are already here. Ryan and Dad are smoking out the back while Mom and Sasha are in the kitchen fixing breakfast.

"Good morning." I smile as I enter the room.

"For someone who's going back to school tomorrow, you sure are chipper." Sasha teases.

"Don't remind me, that's the last place I want to be." I sigh "Do you need help with breakfast?" I change the subject.

"All done." My mother smiles as she plates up the last of the pancakes. "Place them on the table please." She hands them to me.

I place the huge pile of pancakes on the table, and I can't wait to dig in. Along with the normal maple syrup, we also have chocolate sauce, choc chips, fruit, cream, everything you can think of it's here.

"Breakfast!" My mom yells getting everyone's attention.

Dad and Ryan walk in from out the back and Lane, Shay and Zay all make their way downstairs. Everyone sits around the table and begins piling their plates with what they'd like to eat. Everything is silent for a while, as we take our first mouth full and then dad speaks.

"What's this family meeting all about then?" He questions Lane.

"Uh, should we finish eating first?" He asks nervously, the first time in my life I have ever seen my brother nervous.

"Sound serious," Ryan says looking between Lane and Shay.

"Maybe we'll just tell them now, I feel sick about it." Shay places her knife and fork down. She reaches for Lane's hand and they interlock fingers. "Uh, I'm pregnant." She announces.

The room goes quiet once again, I think everyone has gone into shock. Ryan's face is pale white and I can't read the emotions on dad's face, Mom's, however, says it all, she's trying so hard to break out into a smile.

"Say something." Lane whispers looking at us all.

"As long as this is what you both want, you have my full support." Dad nods.

"I'm way too young to be a grandmother, but I'm so excited." Mom squeals and jumps up making her way over to them and hugs them close before returning to her seat.

"Mom? Dad?" Shay asks looking at her parents.

"We've always encouraged you to do whatever is right for you, and if this is right for the two of you at this moment and you want to have the baby, we support you both as well." Sasha nods.

"I would have liked for you to be older." Ryan admits "And Lane if you were any other boy, I'd kick your ass right now." he huffs "But, what's done is done, so looks like I'm going to be a young, hot grandpa." He laughs.

"Ohhh yeah, Grandpa goals." I giggle happily.

"hey, you two have been very quiet." Mom comments looking between Zay and I.

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