2 ➳ you think she's pretty, don't you?

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Dedicated to jenztingz   for making me fall in love with Jenzie again <3 She's amazing and pretty please go read her books X


I survey myself in the mirror, my green eyes standing out against my pale skin. I'm nervous. Extremely nervous. The pale skin, beating heart and clammy hands are a testament to that.

Should I wear the tux? Or is this date more casual than that? Does it look like I'm going to a funeral– or worse, like I'm a vampire? I thought the black tux with the white dress shirt underneath was perfect for a dinner date, but I can't help second guessing myself. I really want this date with Kenzie to go well.

I've been texting Kenzie on and off throughout the week, wanting to get to know her a little bit more before our date. One thing we did decide on was changing the venue from the beach to a restaurant I had suggested- the weather had packed it in for the week, and it had been raining non-stop for the last few days. It's calming down now, but I think both of us were eager to see each other instead of just cancelling and going another day.

Aside from that, I learnt that she was witty, had a sharp sense of humor, and her favorite emoji is a winking face.

My nerves returned, swelling in my belly like snakes writhing around in a pit. I couldn't seem to calm myself down; my heart kept banging around in my chest and I seemed to get paler and paler by the minute. Yes, I thought to myself, I did look too much like a vampire. Scrunching up my nose, I put my hand in my pocket to take out my phone and rang the only person I could count on to get advice for this sort of thing.

My Dad picked up on the second ring.

"Whats up, son?" He asked, voice cheerful.

"Hi. I have a dinner date in an hour, and I don't know what to wear."

I heard him laugh heartily. "How fancy is the restaurant? Was it your suggestion or hers?"

"Um, quite fancy. Actually, a lot fancy. And it was my suggestion."

"A tux, probably. That's what I wore on my first date with your Mother. She loved it." He was trying not to laugh at me, I could tell.

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, thanks."

"Who's the girl?" He asked slyly. "And who set you up this time? Lauren?"

"Uh..." I ran a hand through my hair, "I asked her actually, it wasn't set up. Well, to be fair, Lauren yelled at me and told me to do it, but I did it myself-"

"Are you... rambling? Like nervous rambling?" He interjected, and I stopped talking abruptly.


"My God, I never thought I'd live to see the day where you actually got serious about someone." His comment made me sound like a player, but I wasn't. I never formed any sort of attachment to girls simply because once they found out what was wrong with me they ran for the hills. He knew this, of course, and we didn't talk about it often, but he felt bad for me, and often took the blame for it.

"I really like her, Dad."

I could almost feel him smile through the phone. "Tell me about her."

"Her names Kenzie. Mackenzie. I met her on the train on the way home. She has a daughter who's five and a newborn son. She's nice, and funny, and... pretty. Her kids are cute."

"I hate to ask, but what about her kids Dad?" He was probably frowning into the phone, knowing him.

"She hasn't really told me, but she's not cheating on him. I think he's out of the picture. But I don't want to ask. I can wait until she tells me." I sigh.

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