Chapter 1

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Xun Ming pov

I awakened after falling into f miss you don't remember me ” he said eyes widening from shock .

“ My name is Zhou Han of Zhou house  I am sorry you cannot remember me Young miss ” he said pouting . “ Can I get some fresh air to see if I can try and remember ” “ Sure Young miss just be back before dinner ”

I happily skipped out of the house and walked around when I saw a young man getting hit on by a girl “ Hey you leave him alone ” I said running towards them but they ran away when they saw my face .

“ Are you okay ” I said showing him my hand “ I am fine ” he said in a cold voice I looked at him up and down and saw he had some pretty phoneix eyes and long black hair and smooth white skin even snow white would be jealous of his looks   .

he then slowly looked at my face he blushed and gasped loudly  “ Xun Ming ” he said hugging me  “ how do you know my name ” “ Xun Ming you don't remember me  i'm Zhou Ying ”

“ You saved me when I was younger ”  “ I wish to be your concubine and I want to marry you please accept” he said bowing at a 90 degree angle .

“ No thanks ” “ Ahh ” he gasped “ why won't you take me  ” he immediately started shedding tears , people began looking .

“ get up please ” I said desperately not wanting to ruin my status since I just got here about 5 minutes ago .

“ No ” he screamed even louder I quickly kissed him on the lips to shut him up his entire face turned red I let go immediately and ran back home .

Zhou Ying pov

S-s- she kissed me my face was flushed red from embrassment  how come she cannot remember me . Let alone reject me .

I must tell mother and father about this I ran home quickly and bargee in mother and father's room .

“ Long live the Emperor and Empress ” I said bowing . “ what is it son ” father said in a calm voice.

“ Father do you remember how I told you I wanted to marry the women who saved my life when I was a kid ”

“ the one you talked about for years , then yes I remember why are you asking me this son ?”

“ Father I've found her she saved me again at Xin Wu books store and here is the funny part she rejected me when I asked to marry her ” I said

“ What is he name son nobody has ever rejected the Crown prince before .”

“ Her name is Xun Ming  mother”

“ Hunny let's behead her ” “ Mother and father stop it I still love her I just want some advice on how to seduce her into marrying me ” I said as I pouted

“ Why didn't you say so son ” “ we'll help you son ” thanks I said walking briskly to my chambers .

“ Oh my Lord she kissed me her lips  felt so soft I blushed as my ears started to tint a cute pink .

How can I get her to marry me humm I said walking around maybe if I wear revealing clothes the next time she sees me she'll want to marry me .

I finally settled down as a maid came to escort me to dinner ........

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