: high school

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Name — Olivia "Ava" Meadows

Birthdate — September 10, xxxx

Year — Junior

Gender — Female

Sexuality — Straight

Personality — Olivia is quite the shy, artist type. She's not very noticeablae and is often spotted in a rather lazy mood. Being a bit of a smarty-pants, she doesn't let her natural ability to remember math equations and historical events go to waste. Often feeling pressured from the impact of being the youngest child, she's a try-hard perfectionist. Though, she can be quite the pushover to some.

Family —
Amber Chenov(51, mother)
Dylann Joseph Meadows(52, father)
Ella Marie Meadows(25, oldest sister)
Andrew Meadows(23, oldest brother, twin)
Raiden Meadows(23, second oldest brother, twin)
Genevieve Meadows(21, third youngest)
Aaron Bryan Meadows(20, second youngest)

Hobbies — drawing, rollerblading, writing stories, playing piano, reading

Dating History — Has had no interest in love in the past. The closest were moviestars and small elementary school crushes.

Appearance — Lucy Hale

Outfit — (what she would wear at the start of the roleplay; not all the time)

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Outfit — (what she would wear at the start of the roleplay; not all the time)

Outfit — (what she would wear at the start of the roleplay; not all the time)

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Height — 5'6

Weight — 49kg

Other — Not sure.

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