Prologue: Entrance Exam

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{Hey there! Thanks for checking out my fan fiction! Just to point out, all the standard My Hero Academia characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi, the author of the manga. So far in the story the only character who belongs to me is the one who's story we're following: Alex. However, there will be multiple characters introduced throughout the story that also belong to me. I'm updating once a week so stay tuned! Comments are always appreciated!}

[Audio Book version: There are some auditory issues, however they become resolved within a few chapters ]

 U.A. - The best hero school in Japan... And I had just been accepted into it! I was so excited, the excitement growing, as I stepped foot onto the property through the large wrought iron gates with the school initials erected above me.

I wasn't really one to overreact and get emotional easily, but I couldn't help grinning like an idiot. After all, this was the place where I'd learn to become a pro hero, right?

My name is Alex Hill, or アレクサンダーヒル (Arekusandā Hiru) in Japanese, and this is the story of how I became one of the strongest heroes, second only to Deku.

I saw fellow students all around me, most of them also bearing happy smiles, as they began their journeys. I was so curious to know who my classmates would be, who I'd befriend, who would teach us, and so forth.

I still remember it all clearly in my mind. I was lucky to be here, and so was Deku. He wasn't Deku at that point though, no, he was just plain old Izuku Midoriya. The Entrance Exam was... Something else...

*****A few days earlier*****

I stood nervously inside the school auditorium as I found a seat, slightly left upwards from the middle. There were many faces all around me, I got a little nervous thinking about it, so decided to look straight ahead at the guy with the wacky get up who was just getting on stage.

"It's Present Mic!" Midoriya shouted excitedly, immediately being reprimanded by a tall, intimidating man with glasses and black hair, who I'd later learn to be Tenya Iida, and not actually intimidating at all.

The comedic relief was enough to put my mind at ease, however momentarily, as we learnt what our objectives were for the entrance exam: Fight robots. I wasn't the best at fighting, I didn't even have that great a physique, I was hoping to become more of a search and rescue kind of hero given my quirk.

It was even worse after discovering there was a minimum score. We were all directed to the arena, and gathered around. It looked just like a normal town. 'That must have cost a lot of money!' I thought.

There was a countdown, and as soon as it reached zero, we were all allowed to search for robots to destroy. They were big, bigger than an average person. I panicked a little, the sheer size enough to make me freeze in fear.

One spotted me, and charged at me. I gasped and activated my quirk, reappearing several steps behind me. Oh yeah, my quirk is teleportation!

Quirk: Teleportation

I can teleport to any location I've physically set foot on within a 100 meter radius. This includes the air, however the same rules apply, I must have been in that exact location to teleport to it. The position of my body also matters too. If I was standing upright, regardless of the position I am when I teleport, I'll be standing upright in the place I teleport to.

The more times I visit an area, the stronger I become in that location, since I can teleport in any position after enough time.

After using my quirk a certain number of times, my back starts aching, this is worse if it's an unfamiliar location, as the sudden jarring reformation of my spine becomes too much after a while.

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