[08] Puppy Love

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IMAGINE WAKING UP to blood stained sheets, cramps and the cravings of a starved child. Just a picture-perfect morning, isn't it? 

Unfortunately, my menstrual cycle is as irregular as my mood-swings, resulting in an unpredictable date as to when I actually begin my period, hence my drenched sheets and lack of prior knowledge. 

Though, that was enough to begin my morning on a bad note as I tossed my sheets in the wash and rushed in the shower to cleanse myself thoroughly, washing both my hair and skin as well as brushing my teeth and everything else required in order for me to attend school in a presentable state.

My anger-issues and rather spiteful behavior is already bad as it is, but paired with my period, it's quadrupled, and the slightest inconvenience is enough for me to lash out.

Along with that, all my teachers seemed to be in a sloppy Monday mood as none of them were capable of teaching. I even handed Mr. Mcgrath my calculus homework and requested something to score me some extra credit but apparently a teacher can only give out so much work to a student and I'd have to proceed at the same pace as the rest of the class for the continuation of the year. 

Then in my Literature class, the proper teacher was absent, leaving the class with a substitute that usually teaches music, which resulted in absolutely zero work for the remainder of the lesson. If I told my father about any of this, he'd rush into the school and complain, stating they're lousy and should put more effort into their teaching.

Which leads me to now, heading to my study period in the library with nothing to actually study.

When I entered via the double doors, I immediately spotted Blaire sitting at the dark wooden table towards the front, it's the specific table we always sit at.

"Hey, B." I greeted her.

She smiled lightly, "Hey, Lils." Blaire greeted me back.

"No books today?" 

I shook my head, crossing my legs as I twirled a strand of my usual straight blonde hair, "Absolutely none." I confirmed.

The screeching of a chair being dragged across the ground captured my attention. I expected it to be the human version of annoyance, but instead it was Connor Samuels, pulling a chair out and sitting in front of us.

"Connor!" Blaire said excitedly, her cheeks already red, "Um, this is Lila."

I watched Connor as he awkwardly analyzed me, his deep irises taking in my appearance, "I know who she is." he replied quietly, his words boosting my ego the slightest.

"Well," I held my hand out to him, awaiting him to shake it, "Nice to meet you, Connor."

He reluctantly reached out, his large and rather clammy hand hugging mine. I narrowed my eyes at him as he offered me a tight smile before I dropped his hand.

After that I went on my phone as I expected them to indulge in some sort of conversation, but instead they remained silent and did nothing but skim through the books in front of them, I'm pretty sure they were texting each other as well, which is awkward.

Rather they were texting because what they wanted to say was too inappropriate for this environment, or they're just too shy to talk to each other.

"Well, since you two little freaks won't form a single conversation, I'm going to go find someone that will." I said as I stood up, departing the table.

As I walked away, I could feel Blaire's eyes burning holes in my back, but I ignored it as I headed to the back of the large library, where the fiction section lied.

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