Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three:

Theodora stood at the back of the room, leaning against the wall. Her eyes were glued to the white board at the front, it was covered with images and pieces of information following the case. They had spent the last few hours putting together, trying to piece together a story with the little evidence and clues they had.

"I'm guessing drugs were at play. I mean, it seems this guy was literally scared to death. And the killer probably enjoyed it, so he gave him something and watched as it toyed with their brain." Theodora pushed of the wall, "It would make sense, for them to be drugged. Especially since the killer is clearly sick, cutting out his damn brain... I mean, yuck."

JT glared at her, "Why do you always use that word?"

"Don't know."

Malcolm pulled himself out of his chair, fixing his blazer in the process as he approached the board. "Our killer is male, middle aged and has some sort of brain issue. They've been broken into their mind set, and they fear there's nothing left for them to do."

"I believe the drug is LSD." Theodora chimed in.

Gil gave her an odd look, "Why is that?"

She walked up to the other side of the board, across from Malcolm. She pointed at the photo of the letter they had found, "This letter. Nothing makes sense, the way it's slanted and written. For one of my co-op assignments at school I was went to a psychologist who studied minds on certain drugs. He was weird."

"Okay..." JT muttered, "Why did the killer use LSD then?"

"I'm sure he's taking it too, I mean, what does he have to loose?"

A notepad landed on the table with a thud and Gil stood up, "Let's take a break. Everyone be back here in an hour. JT and Dani, look into psychiatrists that fit Fletcher's description and Bright... do the same, but in your own strange way."

"What about me?"

"You go look for leads. Actually, Bright you go with her. You both work better as a team."

Gil reached for the door, but something clicked in Theodora's mind. She looked up wide eyed, "Why take the whole brain? Why take— it's some psychological need... but what would that need be?"

"Holten is a widower." Dani nodded, "His neighbour saw him go out Saturday night around 9pm and he was never seen again. He was on sabbatical but his psych lab is still running at the university under his research partners Carl Mitchell and department head Dr Elaine Brown."

Malcolm's head shot up, meeting Theodora's gaze. He blinked slowly before turning to look at Dani, "Elaine Brown." He exclaimed.

Gil gave him an odd look before Malcolm pursed his lips, eyes lit up. "She's a legend."

"Okay." Dani huffed.

"I studied her research." Malcolm explained, "She's—"

A women knocked on the door, they all turned to see Officer Langston standing in the doorway. "Uh, Bright, I got your doctor on the phone."

"Oh, yes. Right." Malcolm ducked out of the room, leaving everyone to share the same look of uncertainty before all those looks turned to her. "It's my Dentist. Bad gums!" He added.


Theodora pursed her lips, "Unfortunately."

She wandered over to the window where she saw him sit down, the phone gripped in a shaky hand. Theodora snuck to the door and slowly opened it, quietly making her way to where her friend sat. She stayed a good distance away until he moved the phone away from his ear and forcefully placed it back on its stand. She was next to the desk then, his hand shaking in mid hair. Theodora grabbed ahold of it and held it tightly, staring down at his eyes whic looked back, something that for once in the last day or so refused to.

"Don't let him into your head."

He said nothing, but his hand still trembled. He adverted his gaze but Theodora was quick to respond, "Hey, look at me."

And he did, "Block him out. Push him away. Bury him."

Malcolm nodded slowly, "Block. Push. Bury."

"This isn't the best method but..."

He chuckled, his other hand landing on hers. "It's not. But since it's you I'll listen."

She let her hand fall away, and Malcolm stood up. "Thanks, Theo."

She beamed, "I'm always here."

Malcolm stood up, ran a ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath.

"Was it—"


Theodora nodded, saying nothing else as she turned and walk back into the board room. Gil was by the window where she had been, staring at Malcolm with a suspicious look on his face. The man gave a nod before disappearing out the door, Malcolm sweeping in after him. A closed laptop sat in the centre of the table and she dragged it towards her and took a seat, opening it up to the search engine.

"You're better at this then I am." She mumbled pushing the computer next to her as Malcolm sat, things weren't going horribly and she was thrilled. "You do this."

So he adjusted the screen and began typing, Theodora stared at the table down in front of her. A pad of paper laid lose by and she yanked it with the pen sat atop it. "Do you have a profile on the guy?"

"You gave one yourself the other day."


He chuckled, "Middle aged white guy, what a surprise. Addicted to drugs, as you said, looks kinda crazy."

"Thank you for including that. I'm honoured."

"I know you are, you dork."

Theodora felt her cheeks burn, she bit the inside of her cheek and continued to doodle on the pad of paper. "Long hair or short?"

"Um... long. Dirty blonde, I'd say."

"Dark eyes?"


Malcolm scooted towards her, eyeing her page. "Oh yah, I forgot you wanted to be a forensic artist." He sniffled, suppressing a laugh. "I see why that career choice failed."

Theodora glared, "You're rude."

"I'm honest."

"Same thing." She scoffed crumbling up her paper, she tossed it at him before standing up. He caught it, and questioned her where she was going.

"For a walk."


She stopped, hand on the door knob. "I-I... I'm sorry." He looked at her.

Theodora paused, meeting his gaze. "Good." Was all she said before disappearing out the door, leaving Malcolm all alone in that beige coloured room.

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