Chapter 1

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"Let me see if I understand you. Humanity is dying out, and you want to look into adopting?" Andrew's scathing words dug painfully into my chest. The ridicule in his eyes called me a fool for even suggesting we'd think about adopting.

"Well... yes, you know I've wanted a child for a long time, and with all of the fertile females dying either from childbirth or this new virus I just thought..."

"Well don't think then. We have more important things to do than worry about the unwanted children of the world." Andrew drawled before learning back over his microscope. "Why don't you get back to work and help me find a cure for this thing like you are supposed to be. "

I ground my teeth together, reminding myself that even though we had been dating for almost a decade, Andrew was my boss first when we were in the lab. Sighing I turned back to my work station.

"Shouldn't we be looking for a solution as well in case we can't find a cure?" My voice wavered slightly, anger at his quick dismissal still boiling through me. .

The squeal of his chair's wheels on the ground as he turned toward me made me wince. That noise betrayed his irritation even more than the growl of frustration that followed it.

"If you're talking about your male pregnancy theory you can just drop it. We've been over this, even if you could figure out a way to cause the biological changes necessary to get a male pregnant you wouldn't have anyone to test it on. No man is going to willingly carry a child, that's a woman's job." Andrew ground out the rhetoric yet again even though he had just told me to drop it.

"Yes," I let the word drag out as I prepared myself to launch once more into this argument. "But what about couples like us. Two males who might be interested in starting a family."

His laughter was a knife to the chest even as I caught myself admiring the way his blue eyes seemed to sparkle. How could someone so handsome be so insensitive about these things?

"If they were a couple like us then that most definitely wouldn't be a problem, because I'm not interested in starting a family. I'm interested in saving the world and getting a Noble Prize for the work I'm doing here."

"You mean the work WE are doing right?" Sometimes I had to wonder if Andrew really cared about me as much as he said. Almost ten years and yet he always forgot that we were meant to be working as a team. Even now he just waved me off and once more turned back to his work station.

"Sure, we, whatever, but you know as I have a doctorate in bioengineering it will be published under my name only." Again with the comparison of our degrees. I had been one year shy of my own doctorate when I'd started working with Andrew. If I ever finished my dissertation then we would be equals.

"Furthermore, I have figured out a way to cause the biological changes that would be necessary. If you would ever actually look at my research and test with the rats then you would know this. Or even just looking at my notes. I've tested my serum multiple times and haven't had any problems with the results."

"Enough Ryan! We aren't going to waste our time and money on this fantasy of yours. Men aren't meant to have children. That is that." Andrew snarled, his eyes going cold. His words flared the fire in me, the anger at his quick dismissal of my work.

"You know what Andrew, I think I'm going to call it a day. Don't wait up for me tonight." The words were stiff and flat as they left my mouth. Without even looking at my boss/boyfriend I grabbed my bag and made my way to the door. The only sound beside my feet on the tiled floor was the soft metallic clicking of a microscope being adjusted, he hadn't even bothered to try and stop me.

Once I was safely in the elevator I pulled out my phone dialing the only other person who has ever seemed to give two shits about me.

"What do you want fag?" They ask voice rough with sleep. Glancing at my phone I noticed it was only two in the afternoon, meaning they have probably only been asleep for a few hours.

"Andrew being a dick again. I know it's early for you graveyard shifters, but can you meet me at Stiffy's? I need to vent to my awesome... whatever the hell you identify as." Just talking to Dreece made me feel better, even when they were being a drama king/queen... whatever.

"Well..." They drug the word out for all it was worth before taking a self sacrificing sigh. "I guess I, as your only friend, non-bianary or otherwise, am rather obligated to meet up with you."

"Oh get over yourself. You know you want to get wasted with me." I retort, eyes rolling even though Dreece did manage to make me smile ever so slightly.

"True that, plus I do love shit talking your dick of a boss." The laugh they gave off was practically manic, and if I didn't know Dreece better I might have almost been afraid. "I'll see you at Stiffy's in twenty and you better be buying since you woke me up from my beauty sleep."

"Make it fifteen and I'll think about it." Their laughter echoed through the line for a moment longer before the line clicked shut. Maybe this day wasn't going to be such a shit fest after all.

Hello, hope you all have enjoyed chapter 1 of The First Omega. This is my NaNoWriMo project for 2019 and I'm really excited to know what you think. Did you enjoy the pace? How do you feel about the characters? Let me know your thoughts down below. We will be updating every Saturday from here on out! Hope to see you in the comments!


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