For you, anything.

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It's been three days so far, we've all been to the hospital everyday. He's not getting any better, but I still have hope, I still think he'll be alright. I mean, he has to be.
Today we wanted to bring him his favorite food. Enchiladas.
We all get into a car to drive over there and on the way we all start singing "all I want for Christmas is you" by Mariah Carey.
We all sounded like shit but it was fun.
I felt like in a long time I'm so happy, like actually happy.
We all got the hospital safe and laughing about something Yoongi had said to Maddie.
As we walked into the main entrance I saw people rushing to a room, Doctors and nurses.
"What's going on?" I asked myself in confusion.
"Alina....that's papas room..." Maddie whispered loud enough for me to hear.
My face dropped as I rushed and ran my fastest to that room. Trying to get in by forcing myself through nurses. Before I could even get close to him, I heard a his flat line. No beeping from his heart....just a flat line. My mom ran in behind me and then Maddie.
" no no! NO!" I hear maddies voice yell.
She turns around to Yoongi and hides her face in his chest as she lets out sobs.
"Shh, it's ok, it's ok, I know..." he says holding her close. Hoseok comes up behind me and puts his hand on my shoulder, "Alina?...hey...come here" Hoseok try's you pull me into a hug but I pull away. My hands ball up into fists and I see my hands turn a bright blue. Like the type of cartoon blue. I felt so angry and depressed I wanted to get all my anger out.
I put my cold ass hands on the corner of his bed and watched it build a layer of ice. Not a soft layer but not too thin of a layer.
As soon as there was a fine layer built up, I punched the ice with as much force as I possibly could, over and over again, with all the rage I had in my body. I felt like all of this was my fault.
"Alina...stop..!!" Hoseok said coming from behind me and pulling me back. My knuckles were bleeding from how hard I was hitting the ice and I was crying. I was crying cold Ice. I turned around to Hoseok and his my face in his chest as he held me close to him as I cried into his chest. I've never felt more weak.
"Shhh shh I know, I'm here baby...I'm here" Hoseoks soft voice whispered in my ear.
I wouldn't stop crying, I didn't like the way I felt, I hated this feeling.
I hated that I was never here for my father when he was sick, I hated that I had my powers, because if I didn't I would never have had to move to Korea in the first place. Why wasn't I here for him, why was I screwed up?

They had to take him we left the hospital.
My eyes are a little puffy but other then that I think I've made peace with the fact....that he's better off. I mean, isn't heaven suppose to be the most beautiful place ever? Then if it is, he's better off there.
We walked into the house, where I could see all the pictures of us. So beautiful, we looked so happy. I smiled as I picked on up. But unfortunately because my emotions were all out of control, when I picked up the frame, I froze it. Oops...
I put it back down before I do anymore harm.
I felt Hoseok come and back hug me as he rested his head on my shoulder, "the boys just called me..." he said in a low tone.
"They wanted to know how things are going here....also, when we'll be back..." he sighed at the same time I did.
"When do you want to go back?" I asked him looking up at his face.
"Whenever your ready, it doesn't matter to me." He smiled and came closer to kiss me.
"Well, mom decided to do that thing with the ashes...I forgot what it's called....but yeah, so there won't be a funeral so we can go back in like two days..." I said back with a little bit of a soft voice.
"Ok, whenever is fine.." he smiled and kissed me again.

Maddie pov

I walked into the room me and Yoongi were in. I just threw myself on the bed and started crying. This can't be happening, he can't be gone. My father, the one who taught me how to change a tire on a car, how to fix a engine, how to swim. He's gone.
"Maddie, don't cry, or it will make me cry.." I hear Yoongis voice come close to me and pull me into a hug. I just held onto him as much as I could. I mean, you never know when someone will leave you....
I'm still crying, how is Yoongi putting up with this right now.
Yoongi grabs a tissue and hands it to me, "please don't cry." He said grabbing my cheeks in his hands and wiping my tears with his thumbs.
Wow...I never noticed how sweet Yoongi is.
"T-thank you yoongi" I say still trying not to cry anymore"
He looks at me and smiles, "for you, anything..."
I smiled as he plants a kiss on my forehead and ruffles my hair.
"Get some sleep....I'll wake up when we get food ok?" He says getting a small blanket from next to me.
"Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" I knew that was a risky question but I asked anyways.
"Yeah, of course"
He puts the blanket over me and comes to the other side to climb on the other side of the bed to lay there with me.
"Thank you..."
"For you, anything, goodnight Maddie bear"
"Goodnight Yoongles.."

Hope y'all have enjoyed this chapter, sorry it was so ducking depressing! Oh well!! Until next timeARMYS!!i💜y'all!

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