Brotherly Brawls [1]

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Dean ended the vampire's life with a swift swipe of his machete, it's body dropping to the floor. Sam looked down at it with disgust.

"Something about vamps doesn't sit with me right." He said aloud. Dean cleaned off his machete as he looked up at his brother.

"What's that?" He asked simply. Sam didn't respond, instead leaving the trashed tattoo parlor. Dean rolled his eyes, but followed him. He climbed into his sleek, black Impala as Sam climbed in next to him.

"Well, back to the motel?" Dean asked. He started the car as Sam nodded. He paused to look at his brother.

"Dude, you have been off since we got to Louisiana. What is going on?" He asked sternly. Sam looked over at him with an innocent glint in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" He asked. Dean gave him a forward look, and Sam sighed.

"It's nothing." He answered before looking back out his window. Dean groaned.

"When has it ever been nothing? The first time it was nothing, you were sipping demon blood from your own personal all you can eat buffe. The second time it was nothing, you were off with some girl while I was stuck in Purgatory with Cas and Benny." He snapped. Sam rolled his eyes.

"You always go back to Ruby or Amelia. Do you have anything else to scold me about dad?" He snapped back. Dean bawled up his fist to keep from hitting something, and speed out of the driveway of the abandoned tattoo parlor. Sam kept his gaze on his window.

"Sam, what is it?" Dean asked again, his voice more demanding than before.

"Fine. Ruby, that's what it is. I've been having dreams about her and what happened with Lucie." He explained. Dean looked over at his brother for a split second.

"Since when do you give Lucifer nicknames. Are you gonna play dolls with him now?" Dean asked. Sam scoffed.

"It's shorter than Lucifer. Are you not gonna comment on the dreams. Last time I had dreams nothing went well. What if she escapes Hell?" Sam asked. Dean glanced over at him again.

"Then we'll gank her again, like we did last time. It's just Ruby. She's not a big powerful demon." He rolled his eyes. Sam looked over at his brother angrily.

"So that's it? You're not even worried?" He scoffed. Dean shook his head.

"No. It's Ruby, Sam." He said simply. Sam resorted to ignoring his brother, and Dean rolled his eyes in response.

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