The Taken King

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I don't own Naruto or destiny.

They were exhausted. With everything that happened at the reef, they couldn't believe how busy things got and so fast. Now that everything was finished with the Queen and the reef, they thought they would be able to relax for a moment, but it seemed that it wasn't going to be that way. Hinata stood beside Naruto and Sasuke, twiddling her thumbs while they discussed everything that was happening now. "Ugh... is there ever a break in this?" Naruto grumbled and she smiled up at him softly. "No." Zavala said shortly as he continued on about what they were going to have to do.

"So, as you know the taken king is making an advance. I need you all to attempt to cut him off before he can gain ground." Zavala said and Hinata looked up at this. She didn't feel right about this, but she couldn't complain in the slightest. This was their lives now. Weed out the darkness and cull its spread. "We have ships ready for you all to go and look for the guardians we have sent there after the ones who vanished." Zavala said and Sasuke nodded as he listened to the man give the rundown on the situation. Ashura and her friends were all there on Saturn and some of them were not responding to comms. A chill ran down his spine at the thought of the brash woman actually being injured.

His eyes landed on Hinata who was fiddling with her fingertips. He knew she was worried about her friend and he knew he had to help save the woman if it was the last thing he did. The moment they landed they began their search. It didn't take long to find them upon hearing Ashura's ear shattering scream. Hinata took off ahead of the group and Sasuke followed swiftly after her. when they stumbled upon the scene, Hinata seemed to freeze in place as she watched the titan rain blow after blow upon Ashura. Sasuke frowned and released a soft breath as he placed one hand out before him touching the fingers of his other hand to that hand before pulling back, as if knocking a bow.

The void energy that manifested formed a bow and arrow and he released the arrow of energy, which struck the titan and yanked him off the smaller woman he had shown no mercy to. He rushed forward with his blade drawn and struck swiftly, impaling the titan upon his blade. He gently pulled the blade from the titan and began trying to lower him to the ground, only for his body to begin turning to dust and flying away with the wind. "Damn him!" Ashura sobbed as Hinata helped her to a sitting position. He watched as Hinata and Ashura conversed amicably despite the situation at hand. Sasuke then told them about the ride that was on the way for them and they nodded.

They seemed to be well enough off that they didn't need an escort to the landing zone, which was a relief to him. Not saying he didn't care what happened to them, because he did, it was more so he had more important things to deal with rather than babysitting the injured. It sounded cruel, but they needed to rid themselves of the threat of oryx and rather swiftly. "I'm sorry about your friend." He called out and Ashura locked eyes with him, giving him a small nod and a sad smile as she fumbled with a small coin in her grasp. He briefly wondered what the coin was to her but seeing as she clutched it to her chest, he assumed it had something to do with their deceased friend.

He turned back to the group and they stood around awaiting his orders. He was amused with this ever so slightly. He looked around him at his group of friends and he couldn't help but feel proud of them. They had all manifested new abilities and they were exceptionally skilled at using them already. Unsurprisingly enough for him, Hinata had been the first to manifest her Stormcaller. The others were shocked when she had discovered her ability and used it in a healing manner, but he was not. He knew she had pure unbridled power residing within her and he hated that the rest of them still seemed shocked when she would show off a new skill.

Naruto alone should know better than to doubt her.

He looked back at Sakura and Naruto and they were watching him intently, he wondered what could be going through their minds right now. It was clear Sakura was itching for a fight, the way she was tossing her small solar hammer from on hand to the other was enough to signify that. Naruto seemed antsy as well, but he was better at controlling it as of late. "To the Taken king. That is where we are going now." Sasuke said and Hinata looked up at him and nodded. He saw the slight fire that hid behind her eyes and a small smirk crossed his lips.

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