Chapter 7: Berk in flames... But, not really

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Hiccup had led us into the ice fort, and there was still baby dragons there. We're all trying to not get thrown off of their wild butts!

-Won't the alpha take control of these too? Fishlegs asks worried.
-They're babies! That don't listen to anyone! Hiccup says as his dragon almost flies into a wall.
-Awesome! Tuffnut says. I laugh as my dragon flies past my friends and up to Eret.
-There's not a dragon that I can tame! He says confidently, before his dragon just drops.
-Except for this oooone! He says as he hangs on for dear life. I laugh at him, but my dragon thought it was play time and immediately chases after Eret.
-Haha! Now who's the ragdoll? Eret laughs at me. I roll my eyes.

We have Berk in our sight. The people are afraid and all the dragons have taken into the sky. I look over Berk... so full of terror. I sigh and look at Hiccup.
-So what's the plan Hic? I ask.
-You'll have to distract the dragon so I can reach Toothless. Y/N and Eret, you will evacuate the kids and mothers to the big hall, they will be safe there, Hiccup instructs. I nod, as does the others. But right before they fly away...
-Snotlout! I say. Snotlout turns around.
-Good luck... And try not to get killed! I say. Snotlout smiles and we separate. Me and Eret land onto Berk behind a house, so the big beast can't see us.
-The big hall is right in that mountain... I say, pointing to the big doors that leads into a mountain.
-Open the doors and I'll lead people there. When I get there, I'll calm them down and we'll close the doors, I say, looking out over the plains. I am just about to run over to a house where I know there is a mother and three kids, before Eret grabs my arm. He stares into my eyes.
-...Be careful... He begs. I smile.
-Wouldn't dream of anything else, I say and run over to the house.

I sneakily sneak my way around Berk, sending kids and new mothers into the big hall. I run around one more time before running up there myself. I see Eret guiding in the last family before spotting me.
-Y/N! He says and smiles. I smiles tiredly. I walk inside.
-Alright people! This is Eret, he's helping us! I say, motioning to my new... friend.
-I want you all to keep calm, we are going to solve all of this! I say. The mothers inside nod at me and tries to calm their babies.
-I'm going to close these doors, and I'll come and get you when it's all over! I say. Eret helps me close the doors and we both run down to the town centre. When we get there we see Hiccup and Toothless getting blasted with ice.
I immediately stop in my tracks and Eret gasps. Valka runs over to the ice block. I can only stare at it, as tears stain my cheeks. Eret puts a hand on my shoulder and I grab it, squeezing it, before turning around and sobbing restlessly into his chest. I feel strong arms wrap around my body and I feel as if nothing more could hurt me now. Suddenly I see a bright light shine into my eyes through my eyelids. I turn around and rub my eyes seeing the ice block light up in a blue color.
And then, it exploded......

Eret, son of Eret x reader; Love always start in fight Where stories live. Discover now