Chapter 5: Hosu Attack

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      -Jirou's POV-
   I sighed as I made my way to Hosu city, already seeing the damage the...mutants...Kaminari had mentioned from here. He had sent me a text that said they were basically more upgraded Nomus. We had fought Nomus before, but I guess they were nothing like this. Before it took most of Deku's power to take them now, now they take damage from sound. I figured this would be easy. How much sound would I have to use after all? It's only a few Nomus!

   And that's what I tried. Suprise, it didn't work well after a bit.

   "EarphoneJack, we need to keep going!" Kaminari shouted back at me as we ran towards more destruction. I had nearly fell since I had been using so much power.
   "I-I know!" I stammered out, acting fine. We had a few more Nomus to go. Would I make it was the question. We made it to the next Nomu and I blasted sound at it. It covered its ears in defense.

   Almost there.

   I felt my knees buckle, nearly making me fall. The Nomu grunted in pain


   They buckled again and now I was basically falling onto one knee. Where was Kaminari?


   I fell down, stopping my blast of sound. I glanced up for a second. The Nomu uncovered it's ears and looked down at me, grinning with its beak. Fuck. I got up and tried to run, only to be grabbed by the Nomu and thrown across the road. FUCK. I forced myself up as I breathed heavily. My whole body hurt and my head was pounding. I couldn't fight. I kept running once I got up, yet my running didn't last long as the Nomu grabbed me again and threw me onto the ground. Fuck. Was this the end? The Nomu lifted it's hand and I assumed it was gonna beat me to death. So I closed my eyes.

   "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" A familiar voice shouted. I opened my eyes and saw the Nomu get hit in the face by a bo-staff, except this one was more so a spear. Then I heard sound get blasted and then the Nomu fell down, dead. I heard footsteps running towards me and then Creati, masked of course, was above me and helped me up.
   "Jacky, are you okay?" Creati asked, still holding onto my hand from when she helped me up.
   "N-no," I said. Was it just me or was there a loud, deafening ring? Everything started to get blurry and then darkness hit me. The last thing I saw in that moment was Creati. Despite her mask, I could still see the worry and fear in her eyes through her eyeholes.

   Please don't let this be how I die...

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