Part 3

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(Ukriane view)

I was over at Canada house teaching him Russian. America would walking in a couple of time but said he was to lazy to learn.

My eyes began to shout but I tried to keep them open.
"Are you tired." Canada asked. I looked over at him and nodded. Canada got up and took a blanket and put it on me. He picked me up (He so strong for someone so tall) and put me one the bed. " There you go!" He smiled.

I closed my eyes falling asleep. In the blurry ness Canada took his shirt off. I saw scars all over his back. I was wondering what happens to him. But my droopy eyes closed before, I was able to ask.

I woke up to see to see Canada sleeping in a chair next to the bed with his hands on my legs. I moved gently out of his grip trying not to wake him up. I got out of his bed trying to move him on. (He so heavy!) I teed over and over again but gave up and sat down. I smelt the syrup. The sugary. Maple smell.

I felt more relaxed when I'm was around or near him. I smiled as I thought of him. Maybe I was sick or in love? I kept asking myself question over and over again.

Canada slowly got up. He stood up. I looked at him,as he smiled looking down at me. I felt so short. I was up to his waist. Why did he have to be so tall. I looked down at the ground.

"What's wrong?" He asked while kneeling down so it would easier. I guessed he realized it when i looked at him. I wanted to kiss him but I didn't know if he had feeling for me.

"I just feel really short," I smiled nervously. I rubbed my hand against the back of my head, i felt the sweat dripping down my face. How hot is it in here? I let out a little groan, I was hoping he didn't noticed it but luckily he didn't. Canada showed me his house. He started  cooking breakfast. Boy was I hungry.

"Have you had pancakes with maple syrup?" He asked handing me pancakes. I shook my head. He pulled out a bottle of syrup and poured it on the pancakes. I took a little bite. My eye still glimmered. " I see that you like them!" He chucked, I gobble the fluffy pancake up as I nodded. (They were so goooood.) I smiled looking over at Canada who was staring at me with a little smile. He noticed me looking at him and he looked away blushing. I let a out a little and small giggle. I saw he blushed even more.

Could he like me!b

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