After-class Yogurt

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(y/n) POV

It was finally the last subject of the day with our homeroom teacher, Mr. Oobleck. We were focusing on Self-Development as they said we should begin thinking about our future careers hence why he had us write letters for the future, something to say to our future self and our friends and family. Right now, Neo was in the middle of having one of our classmate dictate her letter...

"...Next, for Yang" said our classmate as Neo nodded along with a small smile on her face "I'm really sorry, truly I did not mean it!" soon enough, our classmate began to crack out in laughter "I... pft! I sincerely thought it was a toy knife that I was holding when I stabbed you!"

"Hey! Why am I dead in YOUR future!?"

"... I seriously did not mean it at all..." our classmate continued as he grasped he covered his mouth, trying not to laugh.

Soon enough, the bell rang, telling us it was the end of classes. As soon as we heard it, regardless of Dr. Oobleck saying anything, we began packing our stuff.

"As dark and interesting of a twist that was, it was not that bad..." he said.

"You think!? I'm dead in her eyes!" Yang said in her seat.

I looked back at her and replied "Well hey, at least she sees you as a friend in the future!"

"A dead friend..."

Neo walked back and winked at Yang, teasing her.

"So, anything interesting?" asked Yang as she got her stuff ready to leave. As soon as she asked however, someone knocked on the open door of our classroom. When we looked out, we saw our good red-headed friend Pyrrha.

"Hello!" she chimed "Is (y/n) still here?" she asked the whole class.

"Over here!" I raised my arm and waved, curious as to what's going on.

"(y/n)!" she walked over towards us and once we were in a good private and talking distance she said "Want to get our allowance together? They said it is available to be taken right now"

"Oh that's today? Sure, not much to do anyway..."

"Thanks! I'm not really too good with having to talk to the office staff..."

"Your problem is that you never know when to say 'no'" I said as I stood up with my bag on my back "That's why you have way too many advertised products"

"I'm sorry about that"

Before I left, I turned around towards Yang and Neo; Neo looking more surprised than Yang.

"Guess I know now what I'll be doing for now, you guys just hang out or something"


As (y/n) left with Pyrrha through the classroom doors, I looked over towards Yang since he practically left the two of us together for this afternoon. However, what caught my attention was the mention of (y/n)'s scholarship.

Yang turned her head and stared at me for a while which I gladly returned back. After a few seconds, she sighed out, as if giving up and walked ahead of me.

"Anywhere you wanna go?" she asked with her bag hanging on her shoulder and her blonde hair tied into a pony tail.

'I was looking at clubs the other day' I wrote as walked quickly beside her. I took note that she was taller than me so I had to walk faster to keep up the pace.

"Are you really planning to join one?" I immediately replied her question by shaking my head "Haaaa... here I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, hanging around (y/n) and going after him and all..."

A Story of Ice Cream and Fire (Neo x Reader x Yang)Where stories live. Discover now