[ 2.07 ] - Primary: I will not yield

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Primary: I will not yield

[ 2.07 ]

R Y E N N E  A T S T E L L I

Year 7

Quietly, I made my way down the corridor towards the Rosen Salon, passing by and tuning out the students who lined the walls, religiously waiting to worship their favorite member of top eight clans. One thing was for sure—I definitely did not make it into anyone's books.

A good month had already passed by and I still had not made any friends, nor did I make any effort to. Of course there were a few who have tried to talk with me, but they must've found it too much effort to get me to talk as they gave up very quickly. Similar to when I first arrived, I was left by myself during the breaks in-between classes, only exchanging occasional greetings with Litheon who would come over to talk with Xael. Besides this, I only ever speak with my cousins. I inwardly sigh.

As I neared the doors of the salon, my entire being filling with dread. This whole week has been full of bickering from my cousins and I and the main reason for this was my lack of friends. I get that they're concerned for me, but I really just can't deal with the students' immaturity. I'd rather be alone than be part of a child's tea party.

Again, I sighed, this time out loud as I turned the knob of the large, exclusive doors and push it open. I take a quick glance around the room and found that Ryun was sitting with his friends in the right corner of the room. As I approached, he narrowed his eyes and waved his hand for me to leave.

I stopped approaching and just watched him for a moment with a glare. I puffed up my cheeks in annoyance and turned away from him as I go to seek Ryon, but unexpectedly, he also turned me away. With an apologetic smile, he asked for me to let him be with his friends.

I was dumbfounded. I stood like a fool in the middle of the room, unsure of how to react to my originally nice cousin's abandonment of me.

My mouth was slightly agape, but I quickly composed myself and then turned away from him as well. If it's going to be like this, then I'd rather not concern myself with them as well. If they think that isolating me will make me have an urge to make friends, then they are wrong! I will not yield in my solidarity!

 5 May x025



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