Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four:

Theodora crossed her arms, looking around the large room they currently occupied.

Dani had run into Theodora as she made her way to the elevator, telling her they were heading out to Dr Elaine Brown's research building at the University the victim had worked at. She agreed, meeting Dani at her car. Now they stood in front of a man, listening as he answered each and every question of Dani's.

A group of people sat a few feet away, facing computer screens with some devices around their head. The screens she could see flashed different images or short clips of horror movie characters or just plain terrifying terrible things. Theodora cringed, looking away. Malcolm nudged her arm, "You okay?"


He sighed, "Can... we talk after?"

"I'll have to think about it." She replied. Malcolm said nothing, remembering how stubborn she could be when wanted. Theodora focused on Dani, her questions growing more odd the longer this conversation went. A women marched up to them, "Detective, I have built a career examining the human mind, if I observed someone who was psychologically able to commit such an act they'd already be in custody."

A new man walked to towards them, and Theodora nudged Malcolm. "It's the weird one."


"The one I was talking about. I worked with him for almost a year."

The women huffed, holding out a hand. "I'm sorry, Dr Elaine Brown—"

"Detective Powell." Dani nodded, glancing at Theodora. "Detective Fletcher and—"

"Bright." Malcolm exclaimed, "Profiler."

He gripped something in his hands, which Theodora hadn't even noticed he had the entire time in the building. Brown glanced down, "Is that my book?"

Theodora rolled her eyes, of course he brought her book.

"Yes! I'm— I'm also a huge fan."

"Dr Brown, we will need any of Holten's class roasters and access forms."

"Of course."

Malcolm held Brown's book out, "Can you sign this?"

They all stared at him with the same looks on their face, he nodded slowly. "She doesn't have a pen." Turning to Dani he smiled, "Do you have a pen?"

Dani glared, digging one from her pocket and handing it to him to which he then passed them off to Elaine Brown.

"Has there been any incidents within the department, firings... on campus dramas?"


A chair squeezed, and the weird man from her memories frowned. "Alice Downy."

Theodora stepped forward, "Pardon?"

"A graduate student. Committed suicide three months ago. George's sabbatical, mental health league. Blamed himself."

"Did Dr Holten and Alice have... a relationship?" Theodora questioned.

"Not at all." Brown sighed, "and I resent this accusation. Alice was troubled and succumbed to the pressures of doctoral pursuit. I refuse to answer anymore of your absurd questions."

The women handed Malcolm his book and pen before stepping away, Theodora pursed her lips but ultimately followed Dani and Malcolm out of the building and to the parking lot.

Theodora made way for Dani's car, but stopped when Malcolm called her name.

"Theo can ride back with me."

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