Chapter 18

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"Cause you're so gorgeous 

Cause you make me feel gorgeous"

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Zack led the way to the locker rooms where we hung our bags up and changed into our gym uniform. While we were changing I couldn't help sneak a couple of glances at Zack's body. He honestly had a body of a Greek god, with a nicely tanned six-pack. I kept my glances to a minimum scared of being caught out by him, due to the locker room being completely empty apart from us.

Our army combat uniform consisted of a khaki t-shirt under a camo shirt and trousers, paired with combat boots. Luckily, Zack told me that we only had to wear our shirts if we were taking part in physical exams or if it was just cold. So I copied Zack's actions in hanging up my shirt on the hook in front of me, along with my backpack.

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I followed Zack into the gym I had visited only a couple of days prior.

"Ah, Cadets. Good of you to finally join us."

"Sorry, Ma'am I was informing Cadet Barnes of the buddy system and we lost track of time." Zack replied in his 'military' voice, which contrasted greatly to how he was speaking merely minutes ago. His voice, less smug, but now more dominant.

"Ah yes. Cadet Barnes. It's great to welcome you to K Unit. Unfortunately, as you two were both late you missed warm-up for training. You both can run two laps now instead. Count this as your punishment for your tardiness, both of you. Next time I won't be so lenient". Agent Hills commanded, causing Zack to reply with "Yes Ma'am." They both looked at me expectingly causing me to panic and quickly copy Zack's words. Hills simply nodded my way allowing Zack and I to begin our jog around the gym.

"Don't worry Wolfie, you'll soon get used to the way the academy does things," Zack reassured me, obviously noticing my worry.

We quickly finished our two laps around the gymnasium, as Agent Hills called us other to join the rest of the cadets lined up in front of her.

"Right, K Unit. We have a new Cadet joining us. You will tret Cadet Barnes like you do the rest of the unit." Hills announced to the other 20 cadets, causing them to turn their heads in my direction, in acknowledgment.

"Today, you will pair up and run through drills using the gloves and hand pads. Then tomorrow we will use the drills in real hand to hand situations. Any questions?" Hills questioned waiting a couple of seconds before nodding her head.

"Very well. Fall out." Allowing everyone to split off into pairs as they all went and grabbed the pads and gloves from the back of the room. 

I stood still for a minute probably looking like a lost sheep, unsure of what to do, until Zack tapped me on the arm, causing me to jump. 

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