scene 75- finish

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When Wild woke up, he realized that he was on the ground by the campfire, with the wolf next to him. He also noticed that Wind was asleep next to him, leaning against him. He himself had been using the wolf like a pillow.

It was still dark. He decided to check the time on the Sheikah slate. It was probably on the table. He gently moved Wind so that he could get up, then he rested Wind's head on the wolf. He snuggled up with the wolf, making Wild smile. He walked over to the table and found the slate. He picked it up and looked at the time.


It was early. He put the slate down and walked over to his sleeping bag. He looked at it for a moment, then at Wind and the wolf. He walked away from both, from the campsite. Once he was a ways away, he sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes.


"Hey, Wild! How did you sleep? How long have you been sitting there?"

He jerked his head up and opened his eyes, surprised. He looked behind him and saw Wind standing there, looking happy.
"Huh? Oh, uh... since 3, I think. Three in the morning."
"Did you sleep okay?"
"Oh, yeah, I slept fine. I just woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, so I sat down over here, and I guess I fell asleep."

Wind skipped back to camp, and Wild stood up and followed him. When he got there, Twilight, who was sitting at the table, looked at him and smiled.
"Good morning. How are you feeling? Better than last night?"
Wild smiled back and nodded.
"Yup. I'm doing gr e a t. Just fine. Fantastic. Note the sarcasm."

He sat down at the table and rested his chin in his hands. He sighed. He noticed Twilight looking at him, and he told him,
"That doesn't mean you have to worry about me."
"It's fine. It's fine."

He didn't want to just suddenly open up a ton. The others would think it was weird. Especially since he didn't even finish his story. And what he said barely explained anything.

"Do you want me to finish telling you my story?"
Wind stood up from where he was sitting and nodded vigorously.
"Yes! Well, if you want to. I won't make you."
"It's fine. I'll finish it. How about tonight?"
The others nodded and agreed.

Tonight. He'd finish tonight. That was plenty of time to prepare. Anyway, it would be easier if he wasn't already upset.
Hopefully he wouldn't be upset.


Wild was the last to sit down by the fire. He chose a seat next to Twilight.

By the time he was ready, everyone had already settled down. It didn't take them long to do so, since they were already into the story.

He swallowed nervously and began.

"So... what I was going to say last night... was that I... well, I... shit. How do I put this..."

He paused for a long time before whispering, his voice cracking,

"I died. They killed me. The guardians. I couldn't do my job right."
He paused again, then he said, much louder,
"Anyway! Zelda had a couple Sheikah bring me to the Shrine of Resurrection, where I slept. For a hundred years. While she kept the Calamity from destroying everything."
His voice cracked several times during those last few sentences. He cleared his throat and continued.

"Like I said last night, the Champions all died. I didn't really tell you about the Champions themselves." He sighed. "There was one of each race. Zora, Rito, Gerudo, and Goron. The Zora Champion was Mipha. She was.... really sweet and nice. She has a little brother named Sidon. He's pretty cool. Mipha... well, I'll tell you more about that later. She had Divine Beast Vah Ruta.
The Rito Champion was Revali. He was really good at archery. He was also an asshole. He had Vah Medoh.
The Gerudo Champion was Urbosa. She was the Gerudo Chief. She was a mother figure for Zelda. She was also good friends with Zelda's mother before she died. She had Vah Naboris.
The Goron Champion was Daruk. He... was cool. A nice guy. He had Vah Rudania."

He stopped and took a deep breath before resuming.
"So, I was taken to the Shrine of Resurrection, where I slept for a century. When I woke up, I had no memory. I didn't remember anything. The Sheikah slate was in the Shrine along with some clothes. They were uncomfortable. I went out, did some stuff for an old guy who turned out the be the old king, and left the Great Plateau,  which is where the Shrine is. I went to Kakariko Villahe and talked to Impa. She told me to go to Purah in Hateno Village to get some pictures, which would help me retrieve some of my memories. I did that and got all of the memories. I also fought the Ganon Blight in each Divine Beast.
First, I went to Zora's Domain. There, I found out about Mipha and how she loved me. The Zoras have a tradition where when the princess wants to get engaged, she makes armor for them. And she made some for me."
He rubbed his eyes.
"She was so nice....
Um, anyway, I beat Vah Ruta, and after that I went to Rito Village. It was... windy. I got a memory about Revali and I beat Vah Medoh.
Then, I went to Gerudo Town and met Riju, the current Gerudo Chief. She's nice. She loves sand seals. I beat Vah Naboris.
The last place I went was Goron City in Death Mountain. It was hot there. Really, really hot. There, I beat Vah Rudania.
Then, the last thing I did was go to Hyrule Castle and defeat Calamity Ganon and Dark Beast Ganon."

He looked down.
"I'll tell you about the memories some other time. I don't really feel like doing that right now."
He stood up and smiled sadly before walking away.

At least he got through it that time. It still didn't fix the fact that he didn't finish the first time, but it helped.
It helped.
A little.

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