bring me the horizon.

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- Ashton -

I sat down at a table for lunch. I get here before the others because they're slow. They arrived soon after I did and took a seat next to me.

"Is this even food?" Calum asked, poking at the object on his school tray.

"I don't know. Does it fight back?" I asked, examining it. It was quite disgusting. It looks like something that I'd rather have come out of my ass than go into my mouth.

"Let's go nuke it." Michael said, pointing to the microwave. We nodded, grabbing Calum's tray and walking to the microwave. We scooped it into a bowl and I gagged a couple times because it was leaking. 

"Let's go five minutes." Luke said, typing in the time limit. We watched it for five minutes, then took it out when it was finished and brought it back to the table.

"Poke it." I whispered to Calum. He nodded, picking up the plastic spork and stabbed at it harshly, which just caused the spork to crack.

"That was a fucking liquid when we put it in!" Michael said, laughing. The cooks eyed us but didn't say anything. 

"It was yellow but now it's black. How does that even happen?" Luke asked. We laughed harder. 

"This is why we can't have good things." I said, laughing and shaking my head. We just put the three home lunches together and ate.


luke_is_a_penguin: moment of truth

insomniashton: okay.

luke_is_a_penguin: i like one direction

insomniashton: louis tops

luke_is_a_penguin: i love you

insomniashton: omg

luke_is_a_penguin: #NoShame

insomniashton: same

insomniashton: my kitten just bit my finger ):

luke_is_a_penguin: loser

insomniashton: shut up. kiss it better?

luke_is_a_penguin: *kisses your finger*

luke_is_a_penguin: hopefully next time he'll bite your dick (;

insomniashton: i want to be mad at you for that joke but i can't

luke_is_a_penguin: (;

insomniashton: i h8 u

luke_is_a_penguin: (;

insomniashton: stop

luke_is_a_penguin: (;

insomniashton: luke

luke_is_a_penguin: 9;

luke_is_a_penguin: FUCK i forgot to hit shift key )))):

insomniashton: nerd

luke_is_a_penguin: i h8 u

insomniashton: (;

luke_is_a_penguin: gimme a band. in the music mood.

insomniashton: um fall out boy

luke_is_a_penguin: of course i've heard fall out boy who do you think i am

insomniashton: well sorry

insomniashton: all time low

luke_is_a_penguin: of course i've heard all time low who do you think i am

insomniashton: well sorry

insomniashton: bmth

luke_is_a_penguin: wut

insomniashton: bring me the horizon

luke_is_a_penguin: never heard of them

insomniashton: please love yourself

luke_is_a_penguin: link?

I sent him a link to Drown by Bring Me The Horizon. It was new, which means they're making more music, which makes me happy. The music video scared me, but the song was excellent.

luke_is_a_penguin: omg i loved it

insomniashton: the music video scares me but i love the song

luke_is_a_penguin: i thought it was cool

insomniashton: you do you

luke_is_a_penguin: k

luke_is_a_penguin: alright, i gtg. football practice then game. you should come.


insomniashton: no

luke_is_a_penguin: it was worth a shot. 

luke_is_a_penguin: okay i love you

insomniashton: i love you, too.

I was totally going to go 


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