Vobi- Winter Blues (Christmas Oneshot- 16/12)

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Tobi's P.O.V.

All of the others were lucky enough to be able to go and stay with their families for Christmas, but I decided against it. I could have gone to my family if I wanted to but Vikk, my Vikk, wouldn't be able to and due to his anxiety about getting in the way of everything, feeling like he was being a nuisance, he declined my offer to come with me. And that was how, a day before Christmas, Vikk and I ended up in the Sidemen house alone.

I was kind of glad we ended up staying at home because, only hours before we decided to go to bed, Vikk started to get sick. He had been looking a little pale and drawn for most of the day, perhaps a little feverish, but he insisted he was fine and fine enough to record and stream too because that was what he had spent the day doing. It was in the evening that everything came apart.

Massaging his back as he threw up into the toilet, I whispered comforting words to him because it was all I could do. Vikk was upset, crying as he finally sat back on his heels, chest still heaving from being sick and a pained look on his face that made my heart sink into my stomach. Scooping the boy up in my arms I carried him into our shared bedroom, tucking him into bed.

"Just sleep Vikky, maybe you'll feel better tomorrow." I whispered as I pulled the covers up to his chin.

"But it's Christmas eve!" He whispered, looking so pitiful. "I don't wanna be sick."

"I know, I know." I whispered, sliding in beside him. He wasn't going to sleep without me beside him. "But if you're still ill tomorrow then maybe we could push Christmas back just a little bit, just for you."

That seemed to comfort him a little bit because he leaned back against me and closed his eyes, his hands tightening on my shirt. I ran a gentle hand through his hair.

"Sleep tight Vikky." I said, smiling. "I love you."


I was awoken at around 1am by the sound of Vikk scrambling out of bed, knocking something over, and then retching in the bathroom. I groaned internally but hurried to follow him, rubbing his shoulders again until he stopped throwing up and burst into tears, reaching up for me.

"Come 'ere Vikk." I whispered, holding him close. My heart panged because he looked so weak and so ill, making no effort to move in my arms, only curling his head up into my chest. "Are you feeling a little better after that?"

"Mm." He sounded disgustingly ill and I sighed again, pressing a kiss to his sweaty forehead and pushing his hair back.

"Alright, back to bed with you." I said quietly, picking him up in my arms and carrying him back into the bedroom.

There were a few moments of pause as Vikk got himself settled, nestling himself in my chest, hands curled tightly around my shirt.

"It's Christmas." He mumbled quietly, sounding very put out. I glanced at the clock- 1:12- yes, it was Christmas.

"I know Vikky..." I whispered. "Just focus on getting better, okay? We'll move Christmas so we can celebrate it when you're feeling a better and get eat all of the delicious Christmas food."

"Yeah." He said, a little happier. "That sounds good."


He was sick a couple of more times throughout the night, up and down once every hour and passing out from exhaustion in between. All I could do was rub his back and hope he'd feel better later- I was hoping to whatever god out there that it was just a 24 hour stomach bug and he'd be over it by the next evening because he was very, very ill.

Vikk couldn't even keep water down, I tried to get him to sip water after he threw up to clear his mouth but it only came back up an hour later, hunched over the toilet again. I felt awful but I knew he felt even worse, crying himself back to sleep with his arms curled over his stomach, still nestled up against me.

"Just sleep Vikky." I whispered, running my hand through his hair. "Shhhhh, shhhhhh, it's okay, you're okay. Shhhhhh."

He mumbled a bit in his sleep and shifted, my hand coming up to catch his head as he almost tipped it off my shoulder, very nearly waking himself up. And if he woke himself up then he would probably be sick again, and I really didn't want that because he didn't actually have anything to throw up, it was just stomach acid.

I pulled my phone and ended up texting Josh, the only person who might be awake at that time of morning being the old man he was- plus the fact he had little nieces and nephews who would have woken him up at 5:30 on Christmas morning. He texted back right away.

Tobi: Hey, you up?

Josh: Yeah, what's up? Why're you up so early?

Tobi: Vikk's ill, been throwing up all night. He's asleep on me and I can't really move.

Josh: Oh shit, reckon he caught it from Harry?

Josh: He's just got over a stomach bug and we had the Sidemen recording right before he got really bad?

Tobi: Probably but I'm not blaming him.

Tobi: I just want Vikk to feel better cause I hate seeing him like this.

Josh: Shower him with love from me, hope he feels better soon. Text me when he's up and about?

Tobi: I will, thanks Josh.

With a sigh I leaned over and plugged my phone in, one arm still around Vikk's waist.

"Hope you feel better soon Vikky." I whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "But I'll be here."


As I suspected, it have been a 24 hour stomach bug. He threw up all of Christmas and spent the day curled up in the bed beside me, thumb pressed into his mouth and his head pressed into my shoulder. Later that evening he stopped throwing up but didn't want anything to eat, instead just going back to sleep.

It took another couple of days for him to perk up and get back to normal, and that was when we finally decided to celebrate Christmas. It was a quiet Christmas, presents, a tree, a small meal of ham and baby potatoes and peas and pumpkin, and more time curled up together in front of the fire.

Although it hadn't been the best Christmas, what with Vikk being sick and all, the day we actually celebrated was perfect, and the best Christmas I had ever had.

Pressing a kiss to Vikk's forehead I sighed happily, closing my eyes.

"This was a good Christmas." Vikk whispered. "Even though I was sick."

"Good." I smiled. "No one needs the winter blues."

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