Chapter 2: The permission

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  Ichigo's POV
    After I promise him to go to that school,I went back to my parents then we went home. After dinner I told my parents to come to the living room and I have something to ask them."Mom,Dad I wanted to go to St.Marie Academy to learn how to be a patissiere just like grandma." My dad got a shocked look on his face and my mom was dad said" Ichigo,I m not going to let you go there, Your going to be alone without any of us. "my mom said" let Ichigo go,she is old enough to make her own decision" I look at my mom then she nodded.I said "even if you don't allow me to,I'm still going."

  Natsume' s POV
    My sister said she wanted to go to St.Marie Academy to school.I was shocked.My dad is arguing right now with my mom,so I went to my sister and asked her why she wanted to go there.She said she wanted to be a patissiere just like grandma. When the argument was getting louder my sister shout"STOP,this my own decision so please let me go dad."My dad looked at her then said"If you wanted to go that much then fine but,you have to promise me not to hurt your self when your there. "my sister became happy and promised my dad.

  Ichigo 's POV
   My dad finally allowed me to join.I went to my room take a shower then went to bed early because I needed to wake up early tomorrow.

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