Awkward Encounters

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The week of Thanksgiving was the most useless time to exist when you were still in school. Lakewood was still open on Monday for classes instead of letting students fly out to where they needed to be for the holiday. Of course, there were students that didn't like the idea of Thanksgiving, but still took the opportunity to leave Seattle and be with their families that they never saw. I was glad to be home for longer than a weekend even though it meant I'd only be accompanied by Arrie since Sam was still lying low and my dad had work.

Ashton 9:24am:
We really need to talk.

Sage 9:25am:
Let's Play Cup Pong!

On Wednesday morning I was awoken by the doorbell. I had fallen asleep in the living room with Arrie while we tried to watch historical documentaries. Arrie on one couch and I on another. I stretched in the position I lied in on the couch. The only thing keeping this from being a beautiful moment was Arrie's loud snoring. As I started to the door I tossed a pillow at Arrie's face t on ask the obnoxious noise leaving him. Ahead of answering the door I pulled the hem of my shirt down and rubbed my eyes to get rid of any weird looks I might've be holding.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Ashton stepped into my house. Our shoulders briefly brushed as he pushed by me and acted like he was actually welcome here.

"Because...I can?" I cleared the grogginess from my throat as I shut the door. The harsh sun was too much for my tired eyes. "Shouldn't you be with Veronica right now?" I banged my head on the door when Ashton started walking to the kitchen, forcing me to follow behind him.

"She's working." Escaping Ashton was starting to get harder than before. He forced me to sit in the dining room with him and have a conversation. I wasn't afraid to sit face to face with him and admit that my friends and I had this grand scheme planned out, that backfired to me when I decided to let my heart dive into things blindly. I had no problem admitting to Ashton that I was in the wrong and I wanted to apologize. I wanted to reassure him the feelings I had for him were real, but I didn't need to do that when Veronica came into the picture. More so, I was terrified to sit and listen to things going on between him and Veronica.

"Why do you want to talk?" There was a vase of dead flowers sitting on the center of the table. These flowers were changed regularly when Sienna was here, but her absence caused the minor details in the house to go unnoticed.

"I think we have a lot to talk about regarding the other night at the club."

"I think we don't."

"So, I was just a joke to you? Why would you use me?"

"I realize that I was wrong for that. Before I even started the process of getting close to you for the sake of details on Calum's life...I knew it was wrong. I still did it and I'm sorry for that." My eyes were glued to the table. "If my feelings for you were fake, I wouldn't have cried so much over that stupid fact that you basically cheated on me and left me for Veronica."

"Cheated?" Ashton scoffed. "We weren't even together like that."

"Right." I sighed heavily. "I guess me and everyone else were on the wrong page when came to us."

"Yeah." Ashton slowly nodded. He didn't say whether he accepted my apology or not, and I honestly didn't care if he did or didn't. At least I had the guts to admit I was wrong. "We should go do something. Maybe it'll ease the tension between us."

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