xlvi. | walker, walker, walker

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AFTER DRIVING IN silence for about half an hour, Ella had finally plugged in an aux cord and turned on some music from an iPod player

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AFTER DRIVING IN silence for about half an hour, Ella had finally plugged in an aux cord and turned on some music from an iPod player. It played Beverly Hills by Weezer. Whoever owned this before had good music taste as far as Ella could remember from the world before the apocalypse. She turned it up pretty loud, closing her eyes and singing to the song with the lyrics she could remember and what she did sing with her parents before they died and such.

"Hey, I know you weren't running off," Daryl had one hand on the wheel as he stared at Michonne through the rearview mirror. "The thing is, that trail went cold. You know that, right?" he asked. "If it was any different, I'd be right out there with you." he changed the song on the iPod, then he changed it to the normal radio by unplugging the aux cord by accident. "Shit, Ella, grab the cord."

Ella reached down to grab the cord, her body freezing when she heard what the radio just said. 'Find sanctuary'. She looked up at Daryl who was just as surprised as he was.

"Was that a voice?!" Bob questioned.

Daryl hushed him. They continued to listen to the radio. "Determine to survive. . ." Daryl switched the channel to get the message to be more clear. He looked at Ella and she looked at him for the were both stunned. ". . . keep alive."

There were other survivors out there.

Suddenly Daryl gasped and swerved around a walker. Then another and another. Until he finally slammed on the breaks. They were met with a huge herd of walkers. Ella's eyes grew large, her heart beating against her ribcage mercilessly, and her skin going as cold as ice. She shared a look of fear with Daryl, they were going to die here before they even got a chance at getting the medicine for everyone. How else were they getting out of this car alive?

The herd slammed their fists onto the car to get themselves inside to tear through the flesh of their idiotic prey. Their teeth were grinding together as they were acting like they'd already gotten a hold of these survivors, their bodies were lit up with life when they laid eyes on the car, causing them to wake up a bit from the warmth of these people.

"Grab something!" Daryl ordered everyone as he reversed out of the group surrounding them. But that idea fell short when the bodies they ran over mounted up high below them. They were stuck.

Michonne panted. "Go to the left!"

He tried, but failed. The car was too deep in the bodies to move. "We're jammed up!" he pointed outside. "Alright, we're going to make a run for the gaps right there!"

"What, are you crazy?!" Ella gasped.

"Yeah!" he turned to Bob, Michonne and Tyreese.  Ella grabbed the door handle. "We all make a run for the woods and we don't stop for nothing, you hear me?" they nodded. "Now!"

Ella threw the door open to push the walkers on her door aside. She took her knife and pushed it deep inside the walkers skull, hearing for a crunch before she yanked her knife out. She kicked a walker into the car for Michonne to kill then went forward and plunged her knife into another walker. She dodged a few walkers, slicing their legs in for Daryl to kill, before she finally killed one.

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