scene 78- talk

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When Wild opened his eyes, it was dark out. It must be night, he decided. He sat up and looked around. Twilight was asleep next to him. Everyone was in their sleeping bags. He was on top of his own sleeping bag.

He looked at Twilight. He looked so peaceful.
He pulled his legs close to him and rested his chin on his knees.

Why did he keep waking up at night?
Oh well. It didn't matter. He'd just have to deal with it. He didn't sleep much anyway.

He stood up, being careful to not disturb Twilight. He walked over to the table, where his bag was. He rummaged through it and found his knife. He sat down with his back facing the table and pulled his sleeve up.


He put the knife away, satisfied. The sun was starting to rise, and the others would soon follow. They couldn't see the knife.

He walked over to the cooking pot with his bag and started the fire. He dropped some ingredients into the pot and watched blankly as they cooked. When the food was done, he took it out and took a bite. Could be better. He walked back to the table and set the dish down. Someone else could have it.

He looked back at the others. He sighed and looked down at his hand on the table. Was he happier now? Honestly, he couldn't tell. Maybe he should just give it some time.

He was starting to regret leaving Zelda at the stable. Oh well. He could stay here a while longer. He wasn't getting bored or restless or anything. Well, he was getting bored. But he'd be just as bored back at his own Hyrule, if not more.

He looked at the others again. He saw that Time was awake now. He got up and walked over to Wild.
"You're up early."
Wild nodded. "Yeah. I got up early and couldn't get back to sleep. I made food, if you want some."

Time took some of the food and took a bite.
"Mm! That's good."

"Twilight told me about what you told him and Wind."
Wild nodded.
"I'm glad that you feel like you can tell them."
He nodded.
"That's a good first step."
He nodded.
"I'm glad you trust them. I assume you've already told Zelda?"

Wild looked at Time, then back down.
"Uh, no."
"Why not?"
"I don't want to bother her."
Time only raised his eyebrow.
"I don't want her to have too much to worry about. She's already got plenty of things to do. She doesn't need another thing." He paused. "And... I guess... Well, it feels like everything I do hurts her. Not physically. She just... well, she cares too much about me."
"What do you mean by that?"
He sighed.
"It seems like nobody understands what I'm trying to say... Well, every time she tries to tell me something, we end up getting into an argument about me. Actually, no. It's just me yelling at her. And... the other day, she read my journal. In the Sheikah slate. And... well, she left me a note. She was offering to help. But... I can't tell her what's going on. She'll stop everything else to try and help me. Every time something happens to me, she'll do that. She'll stop overseeing the restoration of Castle Town, or she'll just straight up leave Castle Town. I'm not that important. And I'm not even that nice to her. I get upset over every little thing. I'm always taking my anger out on her, just because she happens to be talking to me."

Time didn't say anything at first, instead just looking at Wild. Then, he spoke.
"It sounds like you're the reason you haven't told her."
"Yeah. That's usually the case for everything I do. At least I know her concern is genuine. Most people don't actually care. They just say they do because I'm the Princess's knight and they want me to like them."

A new voice came from behind the two.
"Aw, don't say that!"
Wild and Time looked at the person who spoke and saw that it was Wind.
"Oh. Hey, Wind."
"Morning Wild. Morning Time."
Time patted his shoulder and commented,
"You're up earlier than usual."
"Yeah, I know. I didn't sleep that good so I decided that it was a good time to get up. So," Wind said, sitting between the two, "whatcha talking about?"

Wild looked down at him.
"About what?"
Wild looked away and didn't say anything for a moment. After that moment passed, he said,
"Oooh." Wind smiled slyly and rested his chin his hands. "What about her?"
"How... I didn't tell her what I told you."
Wind stopped smiling and sat up.
"What? Why not?"
"Because she'd stop paying attention to rebuilding Hyrule and only focus on me. She's the princess. Princesses have better things to worry about than how a knight feels."
"Oh. That's stupid of her to do."

Wild quickly looked over at Wind with an angry look on his face. He grabbed his sword from the table and pointed it at Wind.
"Say that again, asshole."
Wind backed up and bumped into Time.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't re-"
"What didn't you realize? You ignorant f**k."
"I didn't mean it, I'm sorry, please don't hurt me!"
Wind blocked his face with his arms, tears beginning to fall from his eyes.

It took a moment, but Wild suddenly realized what he was doing. His face softened and he dropped the sword. He bent down and put a hand on Wind's shoulder, apologizing profusely.
"I'm sorry, I'm really, really sorry. I didn't realize what I was doing."
Wind moved his arms and looked up at Wild.
"I-it's okay. I should've thought before saying that."
"No, it's not your fault. I just... overreacted. That was stupid."

He almost hurt Wind. All he did was make a comment based on what he knew. I wasn't like he was threatening Zelda or anything.

He really needed to get a hold of himself. It felt like he was losing control.
He'd have to be careful. Not think to much.
Ha. Yeah, right. That'd never work.

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