CHAPTER 6 (English version)

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Despite the late evening and darkness, around the stage there was as bright as day, because a lot of large torches were burning. However, at first the girls got no good places, and they couldn't see anything from behind the backs and the heads of the others, but Halfdan quickly corrected this inadvertence, pushing the neighbors with his broad shoulders. Now Keyla stood right in front of the stage, where the jester with a painted face, wearing a cap with bells, appeared. He was entrusted to lead the show.

Keyla looked with her eyes wide open and she liked, what she saw. There were a juggler and a fire swallower and also the acrobats, incredibly flexible and mobile - those brawny brothers, whose bare torsos made more than one girl's heart in Temekkey tremble. All of them showed their talents, and the crowd admired them, and people threw coins to the stage at their feet.

And then a man came to the stage, and Keyla immediately recognized the handsome guy in a velvet blouse, that embarrassed her so much with his shameless looks. He bowed to the honorable audience and introduced himself as "the director of the circus, illusionist and magician, Prince Ingvar." People in the crowd spoke of him with an enthusiastic whisper. In his both hands Ingvar held two daggers, and the crowd screamed with joy, anticipating the next performance.

The loud cries of the spectators accompanied the appearance of the beauty, that was already known to Keyla. It was the one, who almost knocked the girl down. Ingvar threw daggers at her, and she smiled so sweetly, as if the man was throwing no deadly weapon, but beautiful roses. It looked scary, but the artistes were perfect in their art. If Keyla had money, she would not regret to throw them, too, but her pockets were empty. However, Halfdan suddenly become generous for an applause and the money for the three of them, and Keyla for the first time had the idea, that a wealthy groom wasn't so bad.

The show continued with a great success, the villagers have seen a lot, and everyone had fun, but the most of all Keyla was waiting for the musician's performance. When she became desperate to see him again, a fragile ballerina came on the stage, then another girl, who seemed to be a singer, and, finally, there was that guy with his guitar. He was dressed in white, and he looked like a heavenly creature.

- Areas, - she pronounced in a barely audible voice - as if a light breeze rustled. This name sounded as harmonious and perfect as his music, that carried Keyla away into the unknown wonderful new world. At first he played for the singer, and the ballerina was spinning around the stage. Then Areas sang himself.

Hearing again this pure voice, that pierced her essence and filled it to the brim, Keyla felt almost no control of herself. This voice rang like a crystal bell, causing both great joy and deep sadness, and also trembling in the knees. She wanted to sing and dance as well, and she could hardly restrain herself from it, noticing a Meola's look, full of bewilderment. Only then Keyla suddenly realized, that she still didn't see the musician's face.

Areas looked as good as his singing. By the standards of Temekkey he could hardly be called handsome, but Keyla liked everything she saw – his short dark hair, looking so soft, that she wanted to touch it, his slightly upturned upper lip, a bit pointed nose, expressive eyebrows... And Areas also had such a charming smile, that it was impossible not to smile back. So Keyla has long listened to him, smiling broadly. Besides, she was literally hit by his eyes of unusual dark-blue color - Keyla has never seen such eyes. Perhaps, in some way the guitar-player looked less bright, then self-confident and relaxed Ingvar, but the girl could see in him something more, than just a pretty shell. Listening to Areas's perfect voice, she knew, that she did not care, how he looked. Even if he were humpbacked dwarf, it no longer would be able to make her stop loving his wonderful music, that awakened so many emotions and feelings in her. She wanted to listen to it forever, but soon the musician and the singer, named Milana, finished their performance and together with the ballerina Bozhana they left the stage.

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