Change is Coming

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The shrill screech of the train echoed throughout Platform 9 ¾, the familiar warning pushed me into action as I grabbed my cats cage and ran, carefully so I didn't rattle poor Soleil, with a leap up the steps I was safely onto the train and ready to search for a compartment. As I passed through the crowd of students, offering hello's and apologies and awkward half smiles of acknowledgment I kept my eyes peeled for familiar faces.

'Callie! Over here!'

I whipped around at the sound of my name and smiled when I saw Luna Lovegood waving at me from a compartment I had just passed, I slipped in quickly and shut the door. Luna to her credit allowed me to set my cat down before she tackled me in a hug.

'I was so worried when I didn't hear from you.'

I smiled against her shoulder as I hugged her back, Luna was never one to hide how much she cared and it was reassuring to me, I was never in doubt of our friendship from the moment we met. She released me and I was engulfed again, this time by Ginny Weasley, I spat some of her vibrant ginger hair out and breathed out a chuckle at how much tighter her hug was, Ginny was a bit more closed off than Luna but she showed her love in situations like this, with a show of forceful affection.

Pulling away I gave them both a sad smile, despite the lightness of the atmosphere in the compartment there was a dark cloud looming, Voldemort was back with a bang, Dumbledore wasn't here to protect us anymore and Hogwarts was different, none of knew how different right then but we would quickly find out as the train began to move.

We exchanged tense looks as we sat down and began to discuss the events of the summer, Harry was gone according to Ginny, off on some brave quest with Ron and Hermione, he was going to try to save us. And I believed that if anyone could save us, it would be Harry. He was just like his parents my mum said, she would know of course, being his aunt - a fact that brought her endless pride and pain.

'How's your mum Callie?'

Luna's soft voice broke through the fog around my mind, almost as if she could sense where my head was at.

'She's good, she's been staying at the headquarters but I think it's been hard for her...there's so many of my dad's things there...' I broke off and cleared my throat. 'Rhydian's been keeping her company; he's really been helping the Order too. What about you guys? How are your families doing?'

Ginny shook her head slowly.

'Mum's been a nervous wreck over Fred and George helping the Order but she understands its necessary, she's just scared I think -.'

We all turned our heads sharply as the compartment door opened and in slipped Pansy Parkinson and Astoria Greengrass, Pansy stood almost in front of Astoria, always trying to be centre of attention and wrinkled her pug nose. I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my seat as Astoria flicked her long blonde hair over her shoulder and stepped out from behind Pansy to be beside her, her sister Daphne was tolerable, bordering on nice but Astoria was bitchy and boring.

'What do you want? We were having a conversation.' Ginny snapped.

'I'm sure it was absolutely riveting stuff but we need this compartment.' Pansy's tone was demanding and I raised an eyebrow.

'Excuse me? You think that we're just going to give you our compartment?'

My disbelief was clear, who did she think she was? The door slid open again this time admitting Blaise Zabini in all his glory, Zabini was tall, broad shouldered, beautiful and rude.

'Pansy, Tori, let's go, we don't need to be breathing this air.'

His dark, chiselled features never changed from a mask of boredom; his stunningly green eyes didn't spare us a single glance. With all the confidence of a Greek god he turned to leave the compartment sure in the knowledge that the two girls would follow, and they did. Though Astoria had to grip Pansy's elbow tightly first. The door slid shut behind them and I jumped up out of my seat to lock it, we didn't need any more uninvited guests.

'Can I just say...' I began breathlessly. 'If Blaise Zabini wasn't most likely a Death Eater, he would get it.'

Ginny and Luna both looked at me blankly for a second before falling into peals of laughter, I looked at them with a smile, grateful to have friends by my side for what was to come.

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