Chapter 70

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Elsewhere at the black mountains, unbeknownst to the rest of china a small city was resided there. The city called Yanmen served as the capital of the forces of the black mountain bandits, a tribe of ruthless bandits that specialised in guerrilla warfare that terrorise Han settlements. The self-proclaimed king of the mountain bandits Zhang Yan was an opportunistic individual, always attempted to expand his influence and areas of control through careful and precise strikes. These attacks allowed him to swallow up other bandit tribes until the black mountain bandits were the main power in the mountains, allowing complete control over the old Han settlement raids and more importantly making it profitable. With his trusty generals at his side he dominated the pass, living a life of luxury primarily enjoyed by nobles. Life was starting to get good for self-proclaimed king of the bandits.

However recently a new threat has emerged from his budding empire. The bandit queen quickly became infamous through her ruthless bandit raids and burning hatred for nobles for what they did to the commoners. He didn't mind the bandit queen methods however her lack of subtleness made her in the eyes of Zhang Yan a wild beast that simply needs to be tamed. He thought a beneficial alliance against said nobles, hoping to use her hatred of nobles to control her. However, one of his messengers was given the others head as a return gift to show her disdain for an idea. As her infamy grew it started to match the reputation of Black Mountain King. He knew if he left her alone, she would be quite troublesome for him. So, at first he tried to be subtle and cut off the lifeblood of her forces. The nearby villages would be forced to pay her tributaries for protection less they earn her wrath.

He ordered attacks on these villages to cut her supply off however the bandit queen intercepted their raids and all but annihilated their raid parties. Because of these rumours, various whispered in the area about the efficiency, bringing up the idea of perhaps there were two bandit queens instead of one. Although, Zhang Yan knew there wasn't. In the game of banditry there can only be one ruler, having two rulers would not be able to work. More than likely she just has a knack for tactics, something he didn't know she possessed but who knew for certain? The bandit queen for the most part is hidden in cloaks and shadows. Which made Zhang Yan wary, he knew information was key. And if he didn't know who this bandit queen was, it was going to be difficult to take her down. He respected her for staying in the shadows and presenting a challenge, something no one else has really done. Partly because he is wise in picking his targets, he knew if he went to war with one of the warlords like Cao Cao in an open battle his forces would be obliterated. At least at this current moment.

Despite his struggles with the bandit queen. He finally managed to score a win when he sent a sizeable force to raid a village and razing it to the ground as a statement. A statement for those that opposed him, those supplies they had would be used to help launch an assault of the bandit queen's territory. Although word of this...serpent...this Mitsuko also reached the ears of the King and he wasn't particularly thrilled about it. If word got out more and more troops were getting decimated by his opposition, morale would be low which can lead to defection towards the bandit queen, weakening his position much more. After the coincidental teal clad soldiers led by a hooded individual arrived, they suggested a quick raid of her forces as he was told a sizeable force would be able to outnumber them and capture the supplies back. The rest of his advisors though hesitant were confident in their abilities and thought this serpent was someone of little importance and eliminating her should be easy. He didn't completely trust these robed individuals though he wanted to gauge the serpent's ability for himself and something told him being on their good side was wise. So, he agreed, he ordered some of his soldiers to ambush her forces. All the while keeping an eye on these new warriors.

They're low in number compared to his own but why would they want to stay here? They advised they wanted to help his situation but no one like that would do this...especially for free. Their leader especially was shifty with his hood, not showing his face. Though the rest of his warriors looked menacing and strong, they dared not to mingle with the rest of his forces, they just stood in the throne room waiting like obedient dogs for their master's call. They acted far too arrogant and regal for Zhang Yan's liking, looking down upon the rest with annoyance. He suspects he's being used by them...heh he'd like to see them try. He's not some mere puppet that can be controlled!

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