Chapter 2: The Meeting

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The sound of hoarse coughing grew louder as Y/N neared her father's study in Zeranda Castle. As she cracked open the door, the old man sitting at his desk was a sight for sore eyes. With an unkempt beard and a yellowish tint to his skin, Y/N feared that her father's time was running out.

'Father, why are you up so early?' She asked.

She waited for about twenty seconds before the poor King finally stopped coughing. He then spoke with the driest voice ever, 'I was told we had visitors.'

Y/N raised her eyebrows. 'Visitors? In Zeranda? But we never have visitors. Oh father, is everything alright? Please tell me they're doctors here to help you!'

'I do not know who they are. I was told that they would arrive by noon. Now go and put on your best dress. I am in no fit state to greet them.'

'But father, what business would they have with me?' Y/N asked confusedly.

King Artemis didn't respond; he just resumed coughing.


Zelda, Link and the champions had been travelling for five days in search of Zeranda to no avail, until they met a kind-hearted fairy creature who directed them to the island. Revali had been extremely reluctant to waste his time on something like this, however, he knew he risked being stripped of his Champion title. After all his rudeness to Link, he knew he was treading on thin ice. So he reluctantly towed the line. For now.

'Oh my gosh, the castle is so wonderful!' Mipha gasped as a gorgeous white building came into view. The tips of the towers had (f/c) roofs. The windows were stained glass, and there were hundreds of ancient carvings decorating the building. The whole island of Zeranda was paradise, and even Revali couldn't refute that.

'Sure is big... Old Arty must've really made a name for himself, huh?' Daruk commented. As the six walked through the kingdom, taking in their new surroundings, they were met with confused gazes from the locals. The visitors peered back at them, so unused to seeing Hylian look-alikes but with small, round ears instead of pointy ones.

'Excuse me? We are here in search of King Artemis.' Zelda asked as she approached a nearby guard.

The guard eyed her suspiciously. 'What business do you have with the king?'

'We are here to ask him to aide the Kingdom of Hyrule in defeating Calamity Ganon.' Daruk explained. An awkward silence followed as the guard looked each of the strangers up and down before bursting out laughing.

'You're from HYRULE? Seriously?! With all due respect, King Artemis is the last person you should be asking for help! The reason he came here was to get away from you people!'

'So you've heard the stories?' Mipha asked.

'Mark my words, I suggest you all go home right now. The king will slaughter you if he sees-,'

He was interrupted by another guard coming out of the castle. 'The Princess is ready for you.'

The six travellers eyed the guard and each other in confusion; they were unaware of any princess of Zeranda. However, they just shrugged it off and followed him into the castle.

Upon entering, Revali took in his surroundings. His eyes immediately fell upon the empty throne on the pedestal at the end of the large hall. There was a second throne alongside it, yet this one was occupied. And when he got closer, his jaw almost dropped.

There, cross-legged on the fancy (f/c) throne, sat the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes upon. A beautiful golden tiara adorned her head, resting on top of equally beautiful, shiny hair. Her eyes scanned the visitors, before they met with his.


(Your POV)

'What do we have here, then?' Y/N asked, as she rose from her throne. She had never greeted visitors in her father's place before, so she was nervous, however, she was concealing it to the best of her ability, using a more confident exterior. 'State your names and business.'

The blonde woman (who looked like a Princess) was the one to step forward. 'My name is Princess Zelda of Hyrule. These are the champions of my kingdom, and this is my appointed knight, Link.

Y/N raised her eyebrows at this shock revelation. 'This is certainly a surprise.' She finally spoke. 'Never would I have anticipated Hyrulians in this kingdom. I am Princess Y/N of Zeranda, daughter of King Artemis and heir to the throne. Pray, what brings you here?' The young princess stepped closer to the visitors, and began to inspect them.

First there was Zelda, her cousin, a similar height to her. There was desperation in her deep green eyes, eliciting pity from the other princess. The last thing she'd want to do is disobey her father, however, nor did she want to turn this seemingly suffering girl away.

Beside her stood a tall rock-like man, with a white beard and muscular build. He resembled a bodybuilder. However, he had a hard shell on his back. He did not appear to be human.

On Zelda's other side stood another boy, seemingly human but with pointy ears. He had floppy blonde hair and a glowing blue sword on his back.

Beside him stood a fish-like woman, with fins but mostly the body of a human. She was small and adorable. Y/N could only smile when their eyes met.

Beside her stood a tall, attractive lady with long red hair and beautiful brown skin. She was extremely muscular and looked the part of a warrior.

Y/N's eyes then finally wandered to the bird on the end who appeared to be sulking. She could tell that he didn't want to be there. She took a moment to inspect him. He was taller than her, Link and Zelda, but not quite as tall as the rock man and the warrior woman. She noticed he had two blush spots adorning his Prussian blue feathers. She gasped internally when her (e/c) orbs met his electric green gaze. He appeared eloquent and somewhat heraldic. Although the atmosphere was frosty, he somehow had an attractive presence.

'Cousin Zelda, and Champions, what brings you here today?' Y/N asked whilst folding her arms.

'Oh. I apologise. I zoned out.' Zelda spoke quickly. 'We are in desperate need of your fathers help. Calamity Ganon has returned and destroyed our land!'

Y/N only laughed. 'Ive heard all the tales about you, and how your father betrayed my father. If he knew you were here, every single one of you would be publicly hung!'

An awkward silence followed as Y/N regretted the previous remark. So she continued with, 'However... I am not one to hold grudges. I would like to hear first hand about this Calamity Ganon crisis. I hereby invite you to a royal dinner tonight!'

The visitors all breathed a mutual sigh of relief. This extravagant girl had gone from threatening to kill them to inviting them to dinner! None of them had seen anything like it, and they discussed this on their way to the chambers that they had been given.

'I don't know about you guys, but that was the last thing I was expecting!' Daruk commented.

'She seems rather peculiar. She's unpredictable, but I believe she's got a good heart.' Mipha said.

'There's something about her... something that resonates with me. I cannot put it into words.' Zelda thought aloud.

'She's your cousin, what do you expect?' Urbosa asked.

'I wish I could read what she was thinking. She seems rather intellectual as far as humans go,' Revali mumbled to himself, however, he was heard by Daruk, who began to smirk.

'Has bird boy got a crush already?' He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Even Link began to smirk.

'That is the most absurd thing I've ever heard all day! Curse you and your immature antics!' The bird snapped back.

But this didn't stop Daruk, Urbosa and Link grinning to one another. 

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